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About Schoolboy

  • Birthday 06/09/1997

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Alright, now I want 2 different things about railcraft. I need fact as well as opinion. Is it useful? I want to know if its right to remove it from my server. How many of you out there would quit a server if you found they didn't have this? Let's say I do want it to be gone. This is a server that already has a world on it. Would there be a problem with of because the world might have blocks or items from it? And what other problems would it cause? Actually, if you guys can help me here, I wouldn't remove it. I get a problem with the railcraft save data, not being in gzip format. I've had to restore my world quite a bit of times, that by the members a bit angry. Now I've already tried disabling anchors, using auto save methods, but it still happens. I just got a new autosave plugin so this might be better, if we need to we can just restore to one of the backups every 12 hours. But, if you guys know a fix woould be awesome. Alright now here's the bad news. Greifers, a server owners most annoying enemy, though not exactly threatening. I currently use residence, but for some reason, starting today the destruction catalysts and hammers bypassed them. What other plugin should I use? I was thinking about greifprevention, what do you all think about that? And should I keep backups of worlds, or should I get a rollback plugin. I so conflicted Note to people wanting to make a server: Get some testers Get your stories striaght Get the plugins/permissions nice and neat
  2. Just checked, simplerestart seems to not have a version for 1.2.5. Very odd, but I don't see one. It goes from .3 to .4 to 1.3.1
  3. Also, I don't have this plugin but its a common mistake. Look in the config, there might be something that says checkforupdates. Some plugin authors make it so you would be notified when you have an outdated version. However, in our cases, we want outdated versions, 1.2.5 versions. Towny and Factions have this aswell.
  4. I like residence because of its ability to have users do work instead of me But the patch for towny didn't work for me. I didn't really like towny all too much, so I spent like 5 seconds tryingto get the patch but moved to residence. However, I also see residence does like to have its config do everything, but I like it better with permissions. I've had many problems with the config and now I think ima change to griefprevention. I wonder, do they let the players do stuff like change flags, like in residence?
  5. Ok, let me help you here for a second. DON'T USE TOWNY. How else can I specify that more? Okay, the problem with towny is that its not "friends" with items from EE, like dark matter/red matter tools, destruction catalyst, nova catalyst/catalysms. If you get a dark or red matter hammer, and you right click with it, you would be able to break the blocks within a town, even if you were not a part of it. Same goes with the novas, the destruction catalyst, or any other block like that (even the nuclear reactors and nukes). Some people put the explosives one block away from the town land, blow it, RUN, and boom. Bypasses the protections Highly suggest residence, as you can turn off the 'use' flag and people won't be able to.
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