In Game Username: Bonesylol
Age: 15
Country: Norway
Why would you join our community?: I have been playing singel player tekkit but want's to try out multiplayer.
If you want to join, explain how you will help us, if help is needed?: I do not know what u need help with but i have played minecraft since alpha and would like to help whereever i can and whenever i can.
Do you agree on all of the rules?: The rules are standard and I think they are exactly what we need to keep the server playable, not dening to much but still keep it fun.
Will you be kind to our comunity?: Yes I will be awsome to other peoples that play an awsome game!!!
Anything you would like to tell us?: No because by the looks of it this server looks awsome
To prove that you read all of the rules, how many rules are there?:
Will you be kind to our community?: The answer to this really hard question is 5 rules: Rule 1. Don't grief. If you think griefing is cool, it isn't. I've use to grief, but what it only got me into is trouble. Please, it's a bad thing to do!
Rule 2. Please, don't spam. It's really annoying, and it's just childish. This also includes no Caps lock!
Rule 3. Please respect all players, as this server is a gentilmen server, not a premature child house!
Rule 4. Don't think about using the banned items! (A list of them are below!)
Rule 5. Don't use hack clients, xray, or anything that gives you an advantage! We log if you xray or hack, just a FWI!
LoL i copied them xD