Why its so hard to take me back to the server? I said that I very sorry I apologized so many times so what ur problem to write 2 words? Pardon Idan2912??? Why its so hard its just a gmae! u take ut so hard like it in the real life.
I request, please pardon me.
i very sorry i didnt know the rules, I was a new player in the server and i REALLY want to back to the server and play with my freinds.
I romise u that if u will give me just one more chance i will show u that I can be good player.
please think about that, please.
im rly sorry for those stupid things i wrote. i just wanted to joke with my friends. if you will pardon me i promise u that i will not do anything wrong, il hope u and your fellow admins forget me
the ban can deleted? if the ip didnt changed its my big brother did it.
There is any Possibility that i wiil back to the server?
ifyes i will Appreciate it very very much and my brother will get punish from my parents.
i really want to back because all my freind play in this server and he very very good server.
My name on minecraft is Idan2912 and yesterday someone cracked to my account and join the server and in the server he wrote bad things and this morning i tried to login the server and its wrote me that i got bannde from the server.
someone can help me or delete my ban?
Thank You very much.