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Everything posted by WilkyBoy

  1. Awesome! That worked! Thanks HalibutBarn!
  2. Solution: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/when-i-try-to-downgrade-to-2-1-0-i-get-update-failed.26307/page-2
  3. Answer and Solution! [EDIT] Look a couple of posts forwards! HalibutBarn found the current solution! It appears that the technic team have not uploaded the MC patch files for 1.3.x to 1.1 . The last supported version of minecraft for 1.1 was 1.2.5. 1.3.2 is only supported in backdating down to 1.2.3 The only way around this is to manually build tekkit yourself, using the .yml I described before Hope this helps, and I'll let you know if the team get a 1.3.x -> 1.1 patch online :)
  4. [EDIT] Halibut Barn found the best current solution! He's a couple of posts along! Well, first off, That's not quite as it works as far as I'm aware. After pulling apart the way the spoutcraft-based technic launcher works, I came to the conclusion that the way it backdates minecraft is by downloading the relevant mcnostalgia patch files for the relevant mc version - 1.1 in this case, and uses that to change the file to the way it was in version 1.1 I believe this is done through the patch file containing the difference in binary etc. You'll have to look it up, as that's not my area of developing. I think I may have found a solution to this problem, or at least until it is fixed: I'm assuming I'm not allowed to post bits of the technic launcher, so I'll tell you where to find it. In %appdata%/.techniclauncher/launcher/tekkit/modpack.yml (Windows) or ~/Library/techniclauncher/launcher/tekkit/modpack.yml (Mac) You'll find the list of all the mods that tekkit needs to install. I'll post a bit from 2.0.0: 2.0.0:[/s] [s] libraries:[/s] [s] minecraft: 1.1[/s] [s] mods:[/s] [s] basemods: tekkit-v2.0[/s] [s] balkonsweaponmod: v8.4[/s] [s] buildcraft: v2.2.12[/s] [s] ETC...[/s] [s] (Of course I wouldn't make it that easy for you all) You could try to build it from that, but I don't know where to get 'basemods' from. If I am not allowed to do this, someone let me know and I'll take the relevant bit down. But I don't remember reading anything against it in the rules [EDIT] It also appears that all the patches are hosted by the technic team on their github page [Another EDIT] I have found the problem! The Technic team don't host MC 1.3.x to 1.1 patch files, so Tekkit 2.x appears to be no longer supported. The only way forward is to manually build tekkit yourself using MCNostalgia or whatever. Good luck!
  5. First of all, thanks for letting me know about needing more rep to ask questions - that explains a lot You're lucky I had this on a .txt on a thumb drive, as I bricked my Hard drive yesterday Also, I only backdated to 3.0.0a to see if it would work, not to play on it - but it looks like it is still supported. (Probably means that they only support the current major release - in this situation, 3.x, that means they probably did stop supporting the 2.x series. Guess I can't play Duncan's old world now ,if I can't get 2.1.0) Here are the links to the same questions http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/cant-downgrade-to-tekkit-version-2-1-1.26209/ (Macs are immune to viruses, so this solution didn't work for me, also I don't have 16GB to play with) (Unsure of the relativity of this one, I didn't get time to finish it) http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/cannot-get-tekkit-2-1-0.24835/ https://yogscast.com/showthread.php?86754-2-1-0-download https://yogscast.com/showthread.php?86024-Downgrade-to-tekkit-not-working-(&highlight=can't downgrade tekkit As you can see, quite a few. And I'm sure there are more, personally, I think it has probably already been highlighted as a problem to the technic team, and they might be fixing it as we speak, or, they might have decided that tekkit 2.x is no longer supported, so they will probably remove the options to downgrade to the 2.x series by the next launcher update. If anyone does find an answer and puts it on here, I'll link all the ones listed above to this thread - The world deserves an answer Hope that answers your question Jorcer!
  6. This is getting ridiculous, I've looked high and low, left and right, far and near, and so on and so forth, but all I can find are unanswered questions reading "Why can't I downgrade?" It's time this was highlighted to the Team. This is a great feature of the launcher which appears not to work. If I find a solution, I will be quick to get it onto EACH AND EVERY SINGLE post I've found across the internet (Though most are here) Just a quick one: I can't find a button that lets me ask a question on the technic questions site. Could someone perhaps point one out to me? Cheers. And in case you were wondering, I have read the rules [LAST MINUTE EDIT]: Backdating appears only to work down to 3.0.0a, maybe the technic team took down the 1.1 patch files or the 2.x mod files or whatever. I'll find out in the morning. *YAWN*
  7. That didn't work for me. I've tried virtually everything, including rebuilding my computer, and trying to build it on different machines and copy it over. I get the same popup telling me that the update 'failed', so I think it might be a problem with the website. Who knows...
  8. Nor can I. I'm looking into this, and I'll let you know if I find anything
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