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Posts posted by snowtemplar356

  1. Age: 25

    IGN (In Game Name): snowtemplar356

    Why Do you want to Play on this Server?: I played Tekkit a bunch awhile back, and I enjoyed it very much. I took two long breaks; one back when Tekkit stopped updating for a long period and the second time due to taking six months to replace my video card. I really want to get back into it now that I have my desktop up and running. I browsed the forums to see what looked like the best Tekkit server currently on the forums, and this looks to be it.

    What Do you want to Build? The Bagger 288

    • Minecraft IGN: snowtemplar356
    • Age: 24
    • Gender: Male
    • Location: Seattle, Washington, United States of America
    • Why do you want to play on T4?: I am currently returning to tekkit after a long time away from it. I had fallen in love with tekkit back in the day but it was stuck at that one version and unable to update. It had started falling behind compared to other mod packs such as Voltz and DNS. After hearing about the new updates to Tekkit, I came back around to see what was new. Needless to say that when I saw that Mystcraft was properly included now and now I can go to the moon, how can I not come back to experiment. In terms of why I want to play on T4 specifically, I really want a server to both experience building with other players (the good and the bad) and being able to have a place to properly find out all of what the new Tekkit has to offer. A server without mod restrictions (such as T4) seems awesome for this! So after reading about it in the forums, I decided to apply. Now here I am.
    • Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: I like to work in two primary areas: large underground structures and small experimentation. As far as large underground structures go, I generally find myself mining a LOT, with or without mods. So I usually keep my mines underground to prevent ruining the surface environment, but I also try to make the areas I have mined out look nice so they can still serve an aesthetic purpose after I have cleared them. Then comes the smaller experimentation. I have been known to do a bunch of mining just to acquire a small amount of some substance specifically for one little experiment I wanted to try. It happens, and at times I may do it in a very inefficient manner, but it doesn't make me want to do the science any less. At one point, I even built a full scale model of a Bagger 288 in one of my mines. It was pretty legit.

  2. In Game Name:snowtemplar356


    How Long I Have Played With Tekkit: up to a year now

    Have I Ever Been Banned: Not to any of my vast (and shallow) knowledge

    Why I Would Like To Work On This Project: I want to give roleplaying on a minecraft server a try. I feel like this would be a good experience. I've done roleplaying in other cases, such as dungeons and dragons or different themed fairs, but not in the context of steampunk or minecraft and I wanted to change that.

    Previous Building Experience: When I wasn't following the steampunk theme, building experience includes building a to-scale replica of a nuclear power plant, cooling towers and all. Current project on another server is a to-scale replica of a Bagger 288.

    • In-Game Name: snowtemplar356
    • Age: 23
    • Experience with Tekkit: Fair amount of single player and hosted my own tekkit server for two months. However, most of my experience has been with the equivalent exchange mod and industrial craft mod.
    • Did you read the rules?: I did, not to mention while doing so, tried navigating your website. Just thought I might inform you that some site parts are seemingly broken, but if you already know then ignore that. Interesting... if I didn't know better, looks like Ruby on Rails...
    • Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/ca22998abc72ee5c198b772903be4959096d7ea2
    • Why were you banned?: I am not. :D

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