IGN: Pilifn
Age: 18
Project you plan to build:
I really like the idea of a rustic, industrial town. It's a feeling i useally aim for when i am playing in my singel player world.
But i'd be more then happy to join in on any larger projects.
Minecraft experience:
I have played since alpha (or 2 weeks before the beta started to be precise)
and been playing ever since.
I have a good knowledge of redstone mechanics and enjoy building larger redstone constructions, from games to small computers.
Tekkit experience:
Been playing for 4-5 months i belive, maybe more, and absolutly love it.
I still play the vanilla on my own redstone server but i stick to Tekkit when i play in survival mode.
In School i studied programming so Computer Craft is a dream come true in minecraft for me. On the last server i played on i programmed
a working terminal for minecarts. With displays showing the time until departure, destination. Everything a basic railway station needed.
But theres still so much more you can do with it.
So i have a basic understanding of all the mods in Tekkit and some more in-deph ( CC, redpower, industrialcraft)
Why you want to join the server:
Last server I played on (for about 3-4 months) was shut down due to the fact that the server literally caught on fire.
So i have been searching for a good tekkit server for a while now and from the things
i've read in the server description i had to make an apply.
From sweden with love / Pilifn