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Mike Schmitt

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Posts posted by Mike Schmitt

  1. Hi, the name's Mike. I like to play Tekkit, build big and complicated. I dont yet have all the knowledge of tekkit down, but i learn quickly. So far I understand IC, BC and the beginnings of redpower, as much to make pretty cool automation. Skype is xander2257 and my steam is mikety2257. IGN: Mikety2257. I am just looking to play tekkit with people so that im just by myself when i build cool structures.

  2. Your In Game Name: Mikety2257

    Your Age:18

    For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building:The structure I am most proud of building would be my house in my world. It is not a giant mansion, but I really like the design and it was fun to build.

    For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I am pretty new to tekkit even though not new to Minecraft. So i would say that I would like to join others and build cool things, like factories, towns and other things.

    For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: All I have been looking for is a server that has one world and a great community, I hope this can be that server.

    Additional Comments: I also am attracted to the small list of banned items. Most other servers are full of long lists of things you cant have, which I think takes away most of the fun. I know some people make it a challenge to allow those items, but I am not one to use them to destroy others' hard work. All I ask is to be treated as I treat the people on a server.

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