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Everything posted by omickeysho7s

  1. the server is only 6 people and we already have 2 on so first come first server
  2. hello me and my friend are doing a tekkit lite you tube lets play we are only on about part 5 and we are hoping to see if we can get some other people on with us as we want more help you will be in a youtube video we have a 24/7 minecraft server its a private so no random people if you are intrested contact on skype: louis.chick and joe4mecool warning if you are just gonna be anoying and stand in the conner all day dnt bother and the server is a 6 person server with 2 people already on so first come first server
  3. does anyone have a private tekkit server that me n a friend could borrow?
  4. well bukkit
  5. i have a server but its minecraft 24/7
  6. ok surre add me skype and we can start its minecraft tho can u host tekkit???
  7. sure im up for tekkit and minecraft im 13 ill ad u skype now
  8. name louis in game name omickeysho7s im 13 ive been playing tekkit since it came out and minecraft since alpha skype ovs who dosent i can record ive got 2 servers 1 of them is down and one of them is a giant spawn me and my m8 made its minecraft tho skype name louis.chick and lets get started!
  9. logoster u wanna do a lp?
  10. ill do a lp with anyone anytime aslong as they can get a server i can record and shit like that add me skype louis.chick
  11. ive benn on my m8s custom map but i think we should find a hungergames server and work as a team and record add me skype louis.chick
  12. dam we need to find some one who can host a server i have 2 both my m8s 1 giant spawn not suitable for a letsplay my other mates server is down at the mo but it should be up soon so ill ask him if i can make a letsplay on his server is that k aslong as im on the team ;)
  13. ok so me didthedew and who else im willing to play record and stuff just the server is the prob ow yh my skype is louis.chick
  14. add me on skype then both of u and we can get started :)
  15. hi im louis ign dont have 1 trolololooo age:13 skype:hell yh experience:good at crafting anything survivial easy! mining i got a good sence of humur my m8 has a tekkit server but he may have to join in with us and i cant host a server 32bit :Z i can record yes but wouldnt rilly like 2 youtube channel yerp!
  16. hello name:louis skype:louis.chick ign? age:13 im good at crafting mechineary and im alright at killing monsters surviving and mineing and my m8 has a 24hour lets play BUT he may have to join in but it would be better if you or summit can host it cuz i would but my pc is 32bit and 1gb ram but dont worry works fine on tekkit! hope yes from omickeysho7s
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