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Everything posted by pandapawzz

  1. Alright, thank you.
  2. Already tried that...
  3. It is a bought account. He's used this account for months now and suddenly it doesnt work?
  4. My boyfriend is trying to log into tekkit to play with me and for some reason he keeps getting the 'You purchase an account...' blah blah blah. But he's been playing on this account for a couple months now and I can log into his account as well. Also, I log out and give him my information and he cannot log onto my account. Help please :c I posted this on the launcher thread and no one is helping me. :L
  5. He was having these issues before then downloaded the updated launcher if that helps :c no one seems to really be looking and he really likes playing Tekkit so.... any help would be appreciated guys.
  6. Launcher Version: Latest I believe Operating System: Windows 7 Java Version: Current Antivirus Program: Description of Problem: My boyfriend is trying to log into tekkit to play with me and for some reason he keeps getting the 'You purchase an account...' blah blah blah. But he's been playing on this account for a couple months now and I can log into his account as well. Also, I log out and give him my information and he cannot log onto my account. Help please :c Error Messages: Error Log:
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