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Everything posted by BBgun3030

  1. Hello, my name is BBgun3030 and I would love to be on the tekkit server. I have been on the server before. I am the owner of BB.CO on the server. IGN: BBgun3030 Experience with tekkit: I left the server to learn more about the tekkit pack and I am now very well trained in EE, IC2, BC, RP and Railcraft and I would love to get on the server agian. So yeah I am really looking forward to setting up BB.CO agian. Thank you very much, and hope to see you on the server. Bye!!!
  2. Oh yeah and i have skype it is: Braidon Brown
  3. Hello Cmuff, I am BBgun3030 I played on the server before last year and never hade the time to come back on. Sooooo.. i would like to play on the server agian. here is the following info: IGN: BBgun3030 Age:16 Tekkit exp: I have played on the server before and while I have been away I was playing tekkit a little more to get myself into tekkit and understand it more So now i am familiar with tekkit now and I am more expierianced in it! Rules and conditions: I do agree with the Rules and conditions given! Thanks you for reading and i hope to see you and the staff agian on the server! Thanks agian and Bye
  4. whats going on with the server i can not go on it is anybody having the same problem.
  5. I would like to apply for a member INGAME NAME: BBgun3030 Age:13 EXPIERANCE WITH TEKKIT: I have been playing it for two week. But on you server I have meet new freind and we have allied a company! my freinds want me to become a member and trust me to put out a good applyment. I have been on a few other servers but yours was just right for me. Please pick me as a member. Thank you
  6. sorry about the last application! IN-GAME NAME: BBgun3030 Age: 13 EXPERISANCE IN TEKKIT: I love tekkit. It is easy and simple to understand. I can bring usefull help to the server and to other people. I do not greif and have read the rules a thousandtimes over. did you read the rules: yes. as i said a thousand times over Hope you pick me!!
  7. ING: BBgun3030 AGE:20 You could make the spawn a little more suprising for new guests to the server
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