Patch notes:
Nov 10th, Essentials added to replace, ichat & commandbook.
The Live map will be unavailable for the next couple days.
Below is a list of item availablity also made today.
Very limited parts of EE have been enabled.
The following are purchasable from the new EE Shop at spawn:
- DM Furnace,
- Klein Star,
- Dark & Red Matter Armor,
- Anti-Matter Relay Mk3.
- Swiftwolf's Rending Gale (Robot Rank)
The following are purchasable from the new Command Shop at spawn:
- Heal to full
- Turn to day
- Experience
The following EE items are now craftable:
- Alchemical Chest (Member+)
- All Covalence Dust (Member+)
- Divining Rods (Member+)
- Talisman of Repair (Member+)
- White Alchemy Bag (Member+)
- Higher Klein Stars
General Changes:
- Colored signs added.
- Player mail added. /mail for more info.
- /seen playername - See when a player was last online.
- /near - Shows which players are within 200 blocks.
- /afk - Tell people when you’re AFK
- You will auto AFK after 15min and be disconnected after 1hr of AFK
- /ignore playername - Ignore a player. This will ignore chat, mail and TP requests. (/ignore name again to remove ignore)
- /compass - See which way you’re facing
New Player Rank:
New Rank “Robot” once 200 hours played, players with this rank gain:
- Frame motors
- The flying ring “Swiftwolf's Rending Gale” is usable and purchasable from the EE Shop
Donator Perk Changes:
Players that have donated for the Movement perk pack now have the ability to also /back to where they died.
“The Lazy Man Veterans perk” has been replaced with “The Lazy Man Perk”
Donating for the new perk will grant you max player level “Robot” & 12000 extra land claims.