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Everything posted by whitemorn

  1. Our server is no whitelist and when you use the free land/item protections it making griefing & theft impossible. We're taking suggestions & looking for additional staff to make this server even better. ShiftedPlay currently offers 3 servers more information of shiftedplay.com
  2. Patch Notes: Weather disabled Flying ring is disabled a replacement fly perk will be added soon
  3. Patch Notes: Timers are now limited to a minimum of 1sec ticks IC2 infopanels refresh time has been increased to 1.5sec
  4. Patch notes: Nov 10th, Essentials added to replace, ichat & commandbook. The Live map will be unavailable for the next couple days. Below is a list of item availablity also made today. Very limited parts of EE have been enabled. The following are purchasable from the new EE Shop at spawn: - DM Furnace, - Klein Star, - Dark & Red Matter Armor, - Anti-Matter Relay Mk3. - Swiftwolf's Rending Gale (Robot Rank) The following are purchasable from the new Command Shop at spawn: - Heal to full - Turn to day - Experience The following EE items are now craftable: - Alchemical Chest (Member+) - All Covalence Dust (Member+) - Divining Rods (Member+) - Talisman of Repair (Member+) - White Alchemy Bag (Member+) - Higher Klein Stars General Changes: - Colored signs added. - Player mail added. /mail for more info. - /seen playername - See when a player was last online. - /near - Shows which players are within 200 blocks. - /afk - Tell people when you’re AFK - You will auto AFK after 15min and be disconnected after 1hr of AFK - /ignore playername - Ignore a player. This will ignore chat, mail and TP requests. (/ignore name again to remove ignore) - /compass - See which way you’re facing New Player Rank: New Rank “Robot” once 200 hours played, players with this rank gain: - Frame motors - The flying ring “Swiftwolf's Rending Gale” is usable and purchasable from the EE Shop Donator Perk Changes: Players that have donated for the Movement perk pack now have the ability to also /back to where they died. “The Lazy Man Veterans perk” has been replaced with “The Lazy Man Perk” Donating for the new perk will grant you max player level “Robot” & 12000 extra land claims.
  5. Scheduled Maintenance has ended, server back online. Full update notes to be posted shortly.
  6. Scheduled Maintenance - 1 to 3 hrs >>> Nov 10th (5am PST) 8am EST (1pm GMT) <<<
  7. Patch notes: LWC added For a extra layer of protection when adding players your protection: Players with member rank and up now have 5 LWC locks Veteran members receive 10 LWC locks
  8. Bug Note: Bug resolved with GreifPrevention not allowing players to log back in for 45+ minutes. News: PVP has been added to a secondary world along with HungerGames this will be the only world with PVP enabled (Coming Soon) The guns mod was reviewed for the secondary world and found to add imbalance so it will remain disabled
  9. Patch Notes: Server memory doubled TekkitRestrict config tweaked - was kicking players for flying when not.
  10. Patch Notes: mcdocs added for info commands & links Multiverse added (creative theme world coming soon) TekkitRestrict & craftbukkit++ added
  11. Patch Notes: The Halloween treasure chest has been removed.
  12. Patch Notes: Server increased to 100 slots Players can now load up to 9 chunks with Dimensional Anchors. (Up from 1 chunk per anchor).* Vote once every 24 hours and receive $200 & 60 extra claims http://tekkitserverlist.com/server/5...hiftedplay-net Player ranks are now sporting color, hello 1960s. Members (Green), Trusted (Blue), Veteran (Orange) The time to rank to Member has been reduced from 24 hours to 2 hours The time to rank to Trusted has been reduced from 48 hours to 24 hours The time to rank to Veteran has been reduced from 72 hours to 48 hours A Halloween Treasure chest has been added outside the spawn building with some treats for the day. The Holy Eggs donator perk has been added to the server, $5 for 6 of almost all the mobs
  13. ShiftedPlay has just launched a second TEKKIT server (current open for beta testing). This server features full PVP, Guns mod, and most of EE. If you would like to try it out login to pvp.shiftedplay.net Looking for a great balanced PVE experience then tekkit.shiftedplay.net is where you need to be.
  14. Our posting clearly shows No EE so posting a reply is rather redundant.
  15. Server News: On Halloween we will have treasure chests hidden around spawn, don't miss out on the loot.
  16. Server News: Spawn moved to the city/mall Portals added for fast travel to map locations.
  17. Server News: We are back online after a brief outage.
  18. Server News: Work has began on a new spawn location and player market area
  19. Patch Notes: Thermal Monitor (#192) added to the access trust list to prevent griefing of settings.
  20. Bonus day: Players joining for the first time today will receive 60x2 landclaims (120 claims) for today only Also today only for ever hour played all players will receive 60x2 additional claims (120 claims) Bonus claims end tonight 10pm EST
  21. Join us for our first official weekend, loads of players on and zero lag.
  22. Patch notes: Veteran players now have choptree - using a vanilla Axe players of this rank can take down the entire tree just by breaking the bottom wood block.
  23. Server Notice: Oct 20th @ 8am EST the server will be offline for approx 30 to 45min
  24. Patch notes: The server environment has been changed to PVE only. We have decided to launch a secondary server that is a PVP hostle server to provide players the option of pvp or pve only servers.
  25. Patch notes: New donator perk added to our shop - The More Ore Pack This pack will gift you 2 stacks of almost all the ores in the game. This is truly the lazy mans way of mining.
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