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Posts posted by Devilkill240

  1. Hello, i am 16 years old and would like to find 1-3 people to do a LP with.

    Im hoping i can find one of you to run the server because i can not.

    I have Fraps and a mic

    Skype name: Clashck9 (add if interested)

    Time zone: EST time



    -16 or older(no exceptions)

    -no high pitch voice(irritating)

    -must be mature but have a good sense of humor and be outgoing

    -must have a mic and skype

    -must speak english and not have a really bad accent

    -must be able to play alot







    Speak English(yes/no):

    Time zone:

    Hours able to play per day(avg):

    Any LP experience?(yes/no):

    Thanks, hope to find some people soon!

  2. Looking for anyone that wants to join my Tekkit Let's Play. Already doing it with a another friend but the more the merrier :D

    We're playing on a fresh map, recipe mode!

    • Be at least 15 or older! if your younger but mature, we can talk.
    • have decent English, i don't mind a British accent :)
    • Have skype!
    • Decent mic!
    • I will record , but if you can as well that'd be awesome. we can switch between shots.
    • Good sense of humor, awesome person :D

    reply back with your Skype or Twitter name and we can talk!

    Hey id like to be a part of a LP with you

    IGN: Devilkill240

    I am 16

    I speak perfect english

    have skype: Clashck9

    i have mic

    i have fraps

    and i think im a pretty humorous and awesome person

  3. For the longest time since I've first watched yogscast I've wanted to attempt my own lets play, unfortunately a one person lets play sucks usually except in singleplayer games. Looking for people who are crazy, fun to be around, and generally dont curse (Unless in another language or like a British gentlemen. BECAUSE ITS CLASSY!), and work well with others in tekkit. I can work a recording program (I think) but it would be nice to have other recorders too, better perspectives after all lol.

    What I need to see:

    Your 17 (at the very least a mature 16.) No exceptions.

    You have to use skype or teamspeak with a microphone. Having a broken one is an except-able excuse so long as you buy a new one.

    You must have Tekkit, this is a no brainier guys.

    You can be mature and not curse every ten seconds regardless if another language or as a british gent.

    No offensive skins. You can have a suggestive skin, but all of the 'naughty parts' must be covered.

    Send me a pm with your request. Also if you can run a server and match all the other aboves, you get instant faves and agreement.

    I hope you give me a chance a I am a very good person to play with

    I am 16 but am definately mature enough to pull of 17 or higher

    I have tekkit... obviously

    I am mature and am not too fond of cursing i try to keep it to a minimum

    I have an assasin skin so as long as thats not offensive then yea



    Looking foward to hearing back from you, thanks

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