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Everything posted by jman878

  1. Mhd56 you should join our town you would have a lot of fun.
  2. I almost never lag on this server Newark and you have been with us long enough to figure out that if you are lagging every day its client side. One more tidbit dont EVER double post
  3. Well I actually created an account just to praise this server. I'm not staff being forced to give it a good review ; ) I am just an average player being forced to give a good review but in all seriousness this review is legitimate. I have loved my time on this server so much and hope all of you will see this thread and try it out. Some may not like it but it does a great job monitoring the players without being nosy. They happen to have one of the smallest banned item lists for a public server and do a great job making sure nothing is put there unless its for donators or grievers. Some of you (very little) may not like the way the server is but i can assure you most will as it has Survival Games and War-zones but makes sure those who don't want PvP can toggle it off each time they login. PvP isn't just limited to War-zones either as the wilderness seems to be where i spend most of my time >. It has a variety of plugins and the server never lags unless are host is having issues which isn't very often at all. Well I cant say much more than the original thread already does so I'll let you decide if you will give this a try.
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