Steer clear of this place. Looks good on server stats, but looking closer, this place is bullshit. Their multi-shard server is CONSTANTLY LAGGY. Most worlds run no better than 7 ticks per second at best, and you can only get better than that by paying. NO CONDENSERS. NO BUILDCRAFT PIPES. Also, all these 'improvements' they are always making means that you can do something perfectly legal for weeks and then the admin will turn around and ban you without telling you you are doing something wrong, and without ever posting a rule about it.
There is only one admin besides the owner and he's a mentally-disabled Briton who is more interested in talking about pony porn on Teamspeak than helping people in the server. All the top players are dickheads who bite your head off for asking a simple question. There is no real server community, there are only new players that come then leave after a day, and year-old players who just talk about other games in chat. The 'economy' is a joke - the server administrator has no idea how an economy is supposed to work and as a result, when a player makes enough money that he is in danger of 'imbalancing the economy' (which is a joke, there is no economy to be balanced) the server administrator simply takes all that player's money and gives him a talking to.
All in all I would rate it 1/10 as a tekkit server, the 1 is because while I was there I did technically get to play some tekkit.