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Everything posted by Chiro002

  1. Re: "cracked" My brother is very little and he doesn't have any money, I bought it over from a friend who didn't play it anymore. My father is very suspicious about buying things online if i didn't have that friend then i wasn't playing it.
  2. Re: "cracked" Ow well... I can play. I'll try to explain. ty
  3. I think i understand. bdw It worked :) :)
  4. NVM
  5. I'm new on the forum so i don't have a clue what you just said. :P
  6. I have made a tekkit server of mine own. And it's works but when i try to log in it disconnects me saying: You are missing the following mods: mod_IC2 v1.71 Mod_IC2Advancendmachines........ I am using the tekkit launcher so i really don't know how i lack any mods.
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