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Everything posted by Sakii

  1. Sakii

    Update fails

    Yeah @ MethticalOD I think you are right.
  2. Launcher Version: Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premuim Java Version: Java 7 (Update 9) Antivirus Program: Description of Problem: Everytime I have tried to update the Technic Launcher, it has said update failed everytime. I have tried deleting the .technicfolder out of my roaming folder and then tried redownloading it but that didnt work. I also tried deleting my entire antivirus system and disabled my windows firewall but it still doesnt work. I think it is a serverside problem and not a problem with our computers. Error Messages: Error Log:
  3. Sakii

    Update fails

    Yeah man. No one is able to update their TechnicLauncher.
  4. Sakii

    Update fails

    Dude. I have seen multiple threads where they all say the same thing. And all you guys are saying is to disable our firewalls and antivirus. Obviously that isnt working and it is clearly a serverside problem on your end.
  5. Sakii

    Update fails

    Im pretty sure its the same problem he has though and I havent been able to find a solution. I tried turning off my Norton firewall and antivirus but it still says Update Failed.
  6. Sakii

    Update fails

    I am having the same problem, I tried deleting my .Technic folder or whatever and that didnt work at all. The problem is that whenever I try to update Tekkit or the launcher thing then it says update failed.
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