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About xDeceitfuls

  • Birthday 08/05/1985

xDeceitfuls's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. In game name:juicyjake1278 Age:14 Time playing Tekkit:couple of days Have you been banned: no Why would you like to play on this server: i personally know xDeceitfuls and the grimtaho and jprothero. i wanna play with them. ( couldnt get mine to work so im using xDeceitfuls account.)
  2. Hello, Dante I will be showing you that I made a symbol for hope and peace and not a swastika. The term sauwastika (or sauvastika) is sometimes used to distinguish the "left-facing" from the "right-facing" form of the swastika symbol, a meaning which developed in 19th century scholarship. The "left-facing" variant is favoured in Bön and Gurung Dharma it is called yungdrung in Bon and Gurung Yantra in Gurung Dharma. Both the right-facing and left-facing variants are commonly employed in Hinduism and Buddhism the left facing swastika reforms to hope and peace as though the right facing swastika mean as a Nazi Hitler symbol. The swastika literally means "to be good". Or another translation can be made: "swa" is "higher self", "asti" meaning "being", and "ka" as a suffix, so the translation can be interpreted as "being with higher self". Backwards Swastika is the ORIGINAL swastika. It is a Buddhist symbol that means peace. Left facing swastika and the right facing swastika. deasil withershins sun-wise anti-sun-wise toward God away from God lucky unlucky good evil right-hand (path) left-hand (path) I got some links that you can look at and see. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110722031625AASx7PZ This one says it means peace. Dante I made a budda symbol for peace and hope. Not a swastika. Please unban me and I won’t do anything that I think is wrong. Thank you. Please let me back on. I did a lot of work into the email. -- xDecietfuls
  3. Dante, i think i sent you an email explaing and proving i didn't make a swastika. if it didn't work ill post it here.
  4. Dante i love this server so much please unban me i didnt meen to affend anyone. its not supossed to be a swastika
  5. please dante i didnt know it would affend anyone i will never ever do anything like it again
  6. Dante if you unban me i promise i will never do anything to break rules. i love this server so much and i like alll the guys on here. there preeeetttyyy coool including your self. someone else put the swastikas in my path not me i promise i only put the ones on the house and its not a swastika i meen. its a abckwards 1. it meens peace and hope. please un ban me i love this server and i got a pretty good setup so for, please im begging you.
  7. dante, im soooo sorry for the "racist" signs. its a backwards swastika witch is a symbol for peace and hope. please unbann me:( i didnt know... i love this server so much!! please unbann me and i promise it wont ever happen. i personnaly know the grimtaho, he's one of my best friends and i love playing tekkit with him, please dont destroy my things and please unban me:( i love tekkit:(
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