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Everything posted by dictioncracker

  1. just message me i did not remove the temp skype yet
  2. for a 5 second file rename and a 6 second fix people still cant figure this out it seems . Yes this works. stop saying it does not. I helped 10+ people out yesterday and every single one of them was a renaming issue or file extension was wrong. just verify name+extension and re-run launcher.
  3. this works and yes its as simple as file name and file extension checking name file minecraft_1.2.5 and then make sure extension is .jar executable jar file and place it in AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\cache then rerun launcher. =PPPP enjoy time for me to go
  4. maybe someone should close this thread lol.. Everything has been renaming or extension types. Easy fix to adjust the extension and the file name.
  5. it is situated buggy is getting helped pleaze verify the file extension as well had a gentlemen i just finished helping it was saying it was a zip though it was named .jar
  6. cant help if you do not accept invite. i even messaged u on this site. anyways verify u renaming file correctly.
  7. srry double post *edited*
  8. I just helped 6 people and it was file name related. so please check and recheck name+extension =PPP
  9. ok from what i notice so far is people are renaming the file wrong. Not all systems will for the format in the file name so when people type minecraft_1.2.5.jar while renaming it is renaming it to minecraft_1.2.5.jar.jar (including the format) as stated in a previous post by another user. just rename to minecraft_1.2.5 and this wont change the file format on most system setups.
  10. skype = dictioncracker1 send ill help people but only for awhile before i remove the temp skype account.
  11. Thanks this work able to play again ^,^ for those having issues make sure u click link on post for the jar file and put it in the cache folder then rename and run launcher
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