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Posts posted by BlunderingFool

  1. Wouldn't a world gen mod screw with the mods that affect world gen? I.E the volcanoes and such? I highly doubt it's even compatible with tekkit but I could be wrong, sadly I don't code in java(yet) so I can't help more than throwing a hypothesis in there.

  2. Oh wow... all the children. Their youth makes my evil eyes bleed... Oh well I'll just take some from a passing peasant. Mwahahah!

    Jokes aside my computer is coming soon and I want to recruit anyone who wants to star in a 'let's play' with an underlying story (It's why series like Yogcast and Mary + Dad(I think) are so popular, they stay interesting) then hit me up... and call the ambulance too.

    There are rules though which I'll get to in a moment, first a note. Unless someone else is hosting I'll be using a cheap £5/10$ server or if I can't do that I'll be doing it with a listen server. Also people outside of the UK (usually Canadians and Americans) shouldn't bother since our schedules will clash and your connection will be poor because of the latency. I'd rather not waste your time.

    Okay so now the rules, anyone who is under-age can pass this one since I can't stand those voices, same for anyone who uses those infernal text to speech programs to stand in for them. If it's not your voice or if it can break the glass in my room I am begging you to spare my ears. Please? This should be a no-brainer but giving out the server IP is a big no-no, same for inviting your friends without asking me first, if I'm hosting I'm making sure security is a top priority to avoid griefing and stealing, if you want to add someone I'll write up some events to work them in.

    Other than that we should be good, newbies and vets alike are welcome all though I'd like just the one vet, it would be over quickly if we were in quantum armour by episode 5. Oh and not a rule but I HIGHLY recommend throwing More Player Models 1.2.5.zip into your tekkit>mods folder as my skin doesn't look quite right without it. (Plus you get all the extra animations like sitting down and dancing, funky.)

    This is getting long, you can't rush in though can you? Bring your interesting and odd sense of humour and send me a PM, I'll get skype set up once we have a small team, say 3 or 4 people. As for a script we'll work on that in a skype call and I'll jot down the important bits, expect a lot of improve though. Oh and one last note all though I can record with GameBooster it seems a little buggy or I may just not be doing it right, I refuse to use fraps but if anyone wants to send me recommendations via PM feel free.

    Hope this wasn't too long!

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