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About Redemption15

  • Birthday 09/15/1990

Redemption15's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Looks like Mojangs Session server went boom. http://xpaw.ru/mcstatus/ Thanks Nex :D
  2. Whitelisted, Welcome SirPawnsALot! Be friendly.. pawning hurts
  3. Whitelisted! Welcome SilverSinX! & Welcome Back Arallak!
  4. I've whitelisted you for custom.hysteriaunleashed.com. Currently making changes to the lite server, and once thats done, I'll whitelist you there if needed. According to sabaku, the lite server isn't as lite as I thought it was xD Welcome!
  5. This is for both the large and lite server. I would update TC4, but things go boom >_>
  6. IP: custom.hysteriaunleashed.com Teamspeak IP: Server Website: hysteriaunleashed.com / hysteriaunleashed.enjin.com Ask for the TS password in game. Technic URL: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/hysteriaunleashed.201963 Mods: http://bit.ly/1dOCCzg Needs to be slightly updated. If this modpack looks like it will kill your computer, we are also hosting a lite version of it! Server Specs: Harddrive: 120GB SSD, 1TB Storage Memory: 32GB of Ram Processing: 1270v3 @ 3.5ghz - Dedicated Hysteria Unleashed is a former server that was recreated by the demand of former players. We have helpful players when needed and a friendly growing community. We don't allow griefing or stealing, so be assured that all of your creations will be safe! I just decided to put it back up on the forums to have some more activity going on. The 18+ in the header doesn't mean you won't be accepted if you're 12. I've seen 12 year olds more mature then some of the older guys I've played with. Also, My spawn is kind of crappy, but It does its job protecting you for your first few minutes in game. Working on making it better! There are a few more Item ID Conflicts I need to resolve, and the modpack will be updated accordingly. We do have banned items, and things I ask you not to do. Please read below. Nether, Mining and Twilight worlds are reset at the end of each month, Next one is Dec 30. PVP is currently ON. Must be MUTUAL. We are wanting to build some pvp arenas, preferably far away from spawn. So if you decide to build one, let me know and I can add a warp. I will try and see how I can turn on pvp only for these areas. Rules will apply. Obviously Quantum armor fights will take hours. Rules - No griefing or stealing. Any damage will be rolled back, and items will be returned. - Any former player caught abusing PVP against new players will be placed in jail. - Stay courteous and respectful to everyone, especially the staff. - Use common sense. If you don't have any, stay far far away. - Don't harass anyone or be overly obnoxious. - Rules are subject to change as we see fit. Plugins These are the following plugins, the ones highlighted are the ones that have been added: Core Protect - Logging tool (Admin Only) Essentials OP Lock PEX Dynmap, SOON! World Border - We now have a World Border due to HDD Space limitation. World Edit (Admin Only) World Guard (Admin Only) ZavAuto Messager - Helps me get out messages I need cycled. (Admin Only) Info on plugin/MyTown use Essentials: You will have /back command even after death. You will also have 3 sethomes. MyTown: There are several people online that can help with this. But if you want to learn on your own, watch the videos located here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1650110- NOTE: We only use the Town/Protection portion of this plugin, Chat and Homes are not used. We've had a ranking system before that grants no benefits other than a colored name tag. There are no special perks granted. We may bring this back with this server. Currently only three tags exist; Owner, Admin, and Member. If decided to bring back the ranking system, if a player wants a custom rank and has been playing for enough time, they can be granted any tag they desire. Admin/Owner are not allowed to be chosen I will let you know in game on progress on this At the moment, these are the only items restricted: Mystcraft: Creating ages are disabled, Linking books are allowed. Portal Guns Ability to pick up Chests/Blocks Large Scale Mining in the Overworld. Please use the mining world. Unless permission has been granted by a staff member. Owner: redemption15 Administrators: Casketman_, Santavio Whitelist Application: IGN: Gender: Age: Timezone/Location: Have you had any previous bans?: Tell us a little about about yourself!: Have you read rules/banned items and will abide by them?: I apologize for the lengthy post, just wanted to get the details. I work in the mornings, so I will get to your application if I can check it. All I ask is that you have fun, build big and enjoy yourselves. Thanks!
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