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Everything posted by jamgoalie

  1. The server ip has changed we are no longer going through mossycobble anymore the ip is now xilesoftware.no-ip.org... that is going to be a smaller whitelist server and our other open server is a bukkit server and the ip for that one is colonialcraft.no-ip.org:25566
  2. JK we actually are leaving the ip at colonialcraft.mossycobble.com
  3. i will add you but the ip to the whitelisted server is now going to be xilesoftware.no-ip.org
  4. Just an update we are now greylist so please go to our website and sign up.... then go to forums and apply for greylist
  5. To sell items you just have to make a shop and sell your items to people we have chest shop. so place a chest and make a shop. If you need help just ask an admin, and they will help you out.
  6. sorry I didn't get to you soon enough there was a problem with your account and the server thinking you were signed in, I fixed it. I would have got to you sooner but I was at hockey practice.
  7. the server IP is up in the post.... colonialcraft.mossycobble.com is in bold letters... in the first line :D
  8. Sorry I was working on the server so it was down for an hour ill remember to post on here next time i do updates.
  9. I fixed Jobs for you Milky_Assassin thanks for the input helping me make the server better :D
  10. False ^^^^^^^^ You griefed and got banned..... and you are just angry Cyblocker
  11. IP: colonialcraft.mossycobble.com ColonialCraft is a 24/7 SMP Tekkit server that has many great plugins, that include, chestshop, multiverse, survival games, and many more. We currently have 29 plugins. We have great, friendly staff that will be more than happy to help out. So, please come and check us out! Also check out our website and donations page. http://colonialcraft.webs.com/ Currently we are a small server with many kind, helping people who love to take in new players to live and build with them, because tekkit is more fun with multiple people helping out. We are trying to grow our server size because we love to expand and have more amazing creations. We are now GreyList Rules: 1. No Griefing 2. No hacking or cheating 3. No spamming 4. No Stealing from other players 5. Do NOT Ask for creative, Admin, Moderator, or Cheat Mode. It will only decrease your chances of getting these things. Play legit and you will get promoted, or donating will get you promoted. 6. Please Build 100-250 blocks away from spawn it will make spawn less crowded and better for everyone. 7. Do Not build close to other people, tekkit requires a lot of space. Also, Do Not place protection near other people's items, Admins will remove the protection or roll you back. 8. Have Fun, Don't harass other players, and enjoy the server. Banned Items: Destruction Catalyst Plugins: iConomy SurvivalGames MobArena Essentials Population Density Pictures:
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