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Everything posted by Hito

  1. *solved*
  2. Hey i wanted to Host a BigDig server and I dont know What i need or how it exactly work, Would someone post me a little introduction? Wich Server i need when i rent a server? Minecraft (Vanilla) Minecraft (Bukkit) Minecraft (Classic) Minecraft (Tekkit Beta)
  3. Ah oke, now i get it Ysharma xD ty got 2 Working system now great xD
  4. I've search for this^^ ty, i wassnt really sure if i understand u right Ysharma. I will watch this Video now^^
  5. This methode works in Singelplayer for me but the World Anchor dont work in Singelplayer. And in my Server the Deployer dont put Lava from the tanks into the Buckets ot Cells^^ Im confused o.o
  6. the server dont disabled the lava bucket item use^^ i'll try the other methode^^
  7. Ok, i'll try it^^ ty
  8. Anyone got a better system? i used Pumps for lava they filled in Tanks->Deployer fill buckets with lava, filter and pipes transport to enderchest o: I dont really know a other System, Tutorial would be great xD
  9. Hey, first. Sorry for my bad English I got a problem with my Lava-machine it Works perfektly in my Singelplayer World. But in my server dont work the Deployer, i put Buckets inside but they dont fill with Lava if i Trigger it. Rightclick on the Tank filled with lava works but the Deployer wont o: It is a Bug?
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