In Game Username: Lordgonk
Age: 14
Country: United States
Why would you join our community?: I want to be a part of a smaller sized tekkit server that does not limit gameplay substantially. The only way to implement almsot all items is through a whitelist and this server meets those criteria
If you want to join, explain how you will help us, if help is needed?: I will bring tekkit knowledge to those new to tekkit and be a helping hand in projects that require aid
Do you agree on all of the rules?: Yes, griefing is a nuisance on servers where it is banned. I agree with the banning of the items banned and the keeping of certain items banned on other servers.
To prove that you read all of the rules, how many rules are there?: 5
Will you be kind to our community?: Of course, I always follow rules and act on how it might affect others
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?: I has a good amount of tekkit and minecraft knowledge and always get along with a server community