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About Eprodzz

  • Birthday 03/05/1990

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Eprodzz's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. hey aj can u plz add wesley009? he is very good at tekkit and the nuclear stuff and shit like that, it would be nice if u did that :)
  2. i hope the server will be good soon! i miss techluminal! RIP :P
  3. nooooo! lost two quantum's and all i owned, i had nothing on me...
  4. 1. Minecraft Username: joakimek98 2. What is your experience with Tekkit? I have played it very long and know the most about it, there is some small things i don't know but it will go fast to learn. 3. Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, please explain. No i havn't 4. What do you plan on doing in Techluminal Tekkit? I want to help and just have fun, it was a long time since i played on a server that is good so i wanted to join yours because it sound good and peaceful.
  5. In game name: joakimek98 Age:14 Country:sweden Why should we hire you:i love being a staff and helping people, i won't destroy anything i will only help, i have a sence of humor. Previous Experience:i have played tekkit for a year and have played on many servers and been a staff member but the servers that i played on was shutdown. i got my own youtube channel that is going pretty good for now, me and a friend just started.
  6. we have a video now and is going to put out more videos
  7. make sure to subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/user/NOXTURE
  8. Hey me and some friends are going to make some series, much gaming and lots of fun. Join our channel by subsribing now. make sure to subscribe right now! http://www.youtube.com/user/NOXTURE?ytsession=MX0cmfxMZp79eMmO9kS-QvHu4W5zYVz6U68qMsC2uTZ3zEozRNyjxYTnNqITILcEpGKN7N01E5Gwo3pENo2ntwwE1A7pmOvPh51Fr9uWKZC5Qu9e6y6FVQlGw2kP6v1L4-83GxIXEgsxqXGCg3tERlCguior_svxzusx1qiyMdJuQlT47jlYiUcNYJeCCVS6Ne8wSJUThKtlCat9RPyw-SoCxCV6Xp1vT0aRCx7fWQ2ZEqF7AflEsPQZn2PAVtMtCenj5bKzJj06P7Myj0wXeb6-LrO3j1CGAVYXoFogT2c
  9. sorry it's full
  10. it seems like we saw the same video for making youtube profile pic lol
  11. Hi! my name is Jay and i am going to make a let's play series about tekkit and lots of other games, if u think u have what it takes to be my partner just leave a comment or add me on skype: joakim.eklund3 or on steam: xaar777 it's gonna be like the Yogscast series. I only got five spots and 1/5 I have a hamachi server. * must be over 13 * need to have a program to record with (not have to) * a sense of humor * have something that we can talk to eachother (skype) (msn)
  12. In game name: Joakimek98 Age: 14 Country: sweden Why should we hire you: i know the most things u can do in tekkit, there is only some small things that i don't know Previous Experience: have been on alot of servers being one of the staff, been helping people by learning tekkit thos who r new to tekkit and those who don't know so much
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