Ok thanks. I will download java from the website then I will post if it worked or not.
***Edit*** Grrrrr I went to oracle and found the demo for java 7 and downloaded it, but unfortunately it still dosent work :(
My system is 64 bit and so is java I just downloaded it saturday. Also this is a really nooby question but what version of minecraft is the technic pack for right now?
Every time I try to run the Technic launcher it pops up with a window that says "Checking launcher version" then closes and doesn't open again. I don't have Avg or Norton and I have tried the .jar.
I have Windows 7 64 bit, and I updated my java to 64 bit.
Please help!!!
I have updated my java, tried the .jar and the .exe and still nothing works for me, it just says "checking launcher version" and then closes and nothing happens... please help!!