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Posts posted by Heavyarms553

  1. Ingame Name: Heavyarms553

    Age: 25

    Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): Yes

    Amount Played (If Yes): Over a year of MC, I've played tekkit for about 2 months.

    Tell us why you would like to play on our server (Multiple Sentences Please): I'm looking for an active whitelisted server with fun plugins and a thriving economy. Based on your description of your server I think your server will make a good home. I always love to push the envelope and I'm looking forward to turning a part of your world into my own =P.

    Previous Bans: None

  2. AGE: 25

    IGN: Heavyarms553

    Minecraft/Tekkit experience: I'm very experienced with IC2 and BC, but nothing else really. I want to get into Tekkit because I think redpower 2 is just the neatest thing since sliced bread.

    Extra information is always appreciated: I once built a scale cruise ship in MC. Also, I love the math/engineering aspects of tekkit, and I love servers that let me exercise creativity to use it. Also, never been banned.

  3. Your In Game Name: HeavyArms553

    Your Age: 25

    How often are you planning on playing: Usually I play for 4-5 hours at a time, 2-4 times per week. When I have a big project in mind, I tend to play a lot more until its complete.

    For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: A fully functioning cruise ship. It had everything, a deckside pool, a waterslide, a horn, a cute villager waitress behind the jazz club bar... OK she wasn't that cute. Also every room had a hot tub. The suites had diamond hot tubs. The lower decks had dirt hot tubs =P.

    For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: It has a lot of freedom available to its players, and no forced PVP! That is huge for me. I just want to dig... Also, the advancement based on time spent/good behavior seems really cool. Good mix of safety and power for players.

    Additional Comments: Awesome egyptian buildings!

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