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Help with modpack and a reward in it for you


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Hi i'm making a modpack for my friend etech2, the modpack name is The Search For etech, I planned on this being a completely private pack but I decided that I needed help from all you awesome Technic modpack pros. And in exchange for helping me make The modpack for my friend anyone who actually helps me who doesn't just repeat what the guy above your post said :) I will allow access to the pack, as soon as I figure out how to do that and finish the alpha/beta build, but before I can do that I need help so on this forum page I will post all problems that I have. People who actually help with this project can leave their email in the comments or if you don't feel comfortable leaving you email here for everyone to see ( I get that) here is the email I am using for this project: [email protected] if you message me here say how you helped me, who you are (duh), and if you would like to be a beta tester or if you just want it

when it is completely finished (probably around Christmas). Thanks for all your guys help in advance and ask what ever questions you have in the comments along side

answers for my problems xD

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Thank you so much thus far but on one of you instructions: "move the minecraft configs and the forge configs into the config folder"  i'm not sure what normal minecraft configs and forge configs  are and i'm not sure how to move them, could you tell me a little more? also i already had the forge named modpack but i did make those other folders you said i needed, and moved the core mods into the coremod folder but i have a few questions: A: I don't really know what config folders are/how to move them xD


and B: when you say "then put those mods in mods with any core mods"and "lastly make use te coremods folder to put just coremods in" don't those 2 steps kinda contradict each other? cause it says the core mods should be in the mods folder but then it also says they should be in the coremods folder?


please get back to me with these questions but thank you so much for you help so far.

Edited by ArtillaryMonkey
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ok m certain mods need a type mod called coremods put any core mod in mods that coremods config in config and the coremod in coremods of corse put any normal minecraft forge configs in config with all mod configs m 

from normal minecraft from your .minecraft lastly make sure if u gonna do a server that all the mods work together for the server to work they must be compatible hope that helps m sorry bout wait  :nyan:

Edited by jamesc1997
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you need coremods in mods and the coremods folder  go to your computers start and type in the search do this %appdata%

now before you do that run your minecraft forge version your using with all mods your use then find these

 forgeChunkLoading.config and forge.config and every other mod config in there then paste then in your config template folder

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alright new problem i found so i loaded up the pack and played a world with railcraft afterwords it gave me an internal server error and closed, anyways i tried to load up the same world and crashed inmidiatly, next i made a new world the next day (today) and it worked fine i don't want it to be unstable but it did work i dont know where the crash log is now because it was from yesterday anyways i'm just wondering what the problem could of been

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