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Jetpack Flight



Title: Jetpack Flight

Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

Java Version: Java SE Runtime Environment build 1.7.0_03-b05

Description of Problem:

When a non-op player is attempting to use a jetpack, flight is allowed for about 4 meters or so before he is placed back on the ground where he started.

I don't believe this to be an issue with Tekkit, but one of the plugins being run.

23:05:30 [iNFO] Plugins (64): mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons, mod_BuildCraftEnergy,

mod_RedPowerWiring, mod_BuildCraftCore, mod_ImmibisCore, Vault, Multiverse-Core,

mod_BuildCraftFactory, mod_NetherOres, dynmap, mod_TubeStuff, BasicMinerXP, Ope

nInv, mod_CCTurtle, mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower, mod_IC2NuclearControl, mod_Com

pactSolars, mod_WirelessRedstoneCore, LagMeter, mod_IronChest, mod_IC2_ChargingB

ench, mod_MinecraftForge, WorldEdit, Towny, mod_RedPowerControl, Multiverse-Neth

erPortals, PermissionsEx, mod_IC2, Questioner, mod_RedPowerMachine, mod_BuildCra

ftBuilders, mod_RedPowerLighting, WorldGuard, mod_RedPowerWorld, MineBackup, mod

_ComputerCraft, iConomy, mod_BuildCraftTransport, TomabTime, mod_NotEnoughItems,

mod_PowerConverters, mod_AdditionalPipes, disablecraft, mod_Railcraft, mod_IC2A

dvancedMachines, BKCommonLib, mod_RedPowerCore, mod_RedPowerLogic, Modifyworld,

Herochat, mod_EnderStorage, mod_CodeChickenCore, Essentials, WorldBorder, ShowCa

seStandalone, Multiverse-Portals, Dynmap-WorldGuard, Register, HawkEye, Dynmap-T

owny, EssentialsSpawn, VanishNoPacket, LWC, Dynmap-HeroChat


server.properties file has allow-flight=true


Am I missing something else? Thanks in advance for any help, and sorry if this is not appropriate for the Tekkit Bug Board.


Error Messages:



Error Log:


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11 answers to this question

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you need to add


without the quotation marks to your server.properties file, then reboot the server (you can't just reload it

Thankyou very much for your speedy reply flynard. You must get many ignorant bug reports here otherwise you might have noted I've already done this. I appreciate your help.

Also I am well aware of the trouble with /reload'ing bukkit servers and don't do this. I've restarted my server after verifying what I already stated in the first post just to make sure.

tl:dr I already did that.

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Ah this happends to the server i am on right now. Probablly just a bug. :/

Yes, but this doesn't happen on all Tekkit 3.0.4 servers, does it? Also, bugs will never get fixed if we don't know what circumstances cause them, and how to remove them.

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i found your problem Tomab. its Towny!, use this node "towny.cheat.bypass" without the quotes and it will work fine. i just activated my towny and ran into the problem that you are facing. that node allows u to use the jetpack, quantium and flying ring with no issues.

or edit towny config


# Prevent fly and double block jump cheats.


change to

# Prevent fly and double block jump cheats.

  cheat_protection: 'false'

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