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I set up a large quarry and put a chunkloading block beside it. Turned out the block wasn't loading enough chunks to cover the whole quarry, and only part of the quarry was being dug out. I removed the chunkloading block and the quarry, but still whenever I get close enough to the quarry area that the game loads those chunks, the game drags very, very badly. Help?


/remove items -1

Type that in the game, when the chunks are loaded.

"you don't have permission to do this"

This is my server (computer's sitting on a desk in the other room), so I assume I just need to turn on some kind of admin options in the config file?


Thanks very much for your help. Though I'm not quite sure what fixed it, it's working now.

I fought through the stutter to take all my valueable items (engines, etc) from the area where the trouble was happening. Then added myself to the ops.txt file. Restarted the server program a few times in there. Somewhere along the way, the problem went away, I never did do the remove items command.

Thanks again!


That probably means the items disappeared on their own. Items dropped on the ground vanish after 5 minutes. It's just that most of the time a quarry-dumped area will slow the server tick rate down so much that it's a lot longer than 5 minutes real-time before the items actually vanish.


Yeah, I first noticed the problem last night (though I only removed the quarry this morning). And I'm not sure what happened to all the materials that were quarried, because it was hooked up to a pipe that ran a good distance away, so it may have been quarrying, piping, and then dumping everything randomly on the ground somewhere, resulting in a huge pile of floating stuff somewhere, some of it where I would've have seen it. *shrug* Does the removeitem just take loose things from the ground, or more than that?


It's a worldedit command that poofs all the items on the ground - that's all. The -1 is infinite distance (loaded chunks only ofc), or you can replace it with a distance from you.

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