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I've decided to use PEX for my banning of items and I'm wondering if ModifyWorld will let me block the items? or will i need a fix so it can? And if you can give me a example node of like blocking the nova catalyst that would be helpful also! Thanks~!


  default: true


    - -modifyworld.blocks.place.237|149|223.1|207|208|208.1|208.2|216|216.1|216.2|216.3|250.15|246.5|7310|126.4|126.3|239|46

    - -modifyworld.items.craft.27527|27556|27535|27556|27585|30208.27|27555|27570|6263|27580|27579|27581|27582|27538|27529|27588|27589|27590|27533|27574|27537

    - modifyworld.*

    - -worldedit.*

    - essentials.afk

    - essentials.help

    - essentials.ignore

    - essentials.list

    - essentials.mail

    - essentials.mail.send

    - essentials.me

    - essentials.motd

    - essentials.msg

    - essentials.spawn

    - essentials.home

    - essentials.sethome

This is for my Default group Now it doesnt block those items? do i use a colon or a period? I dont think PEX uses metadata...


default: true


- -modifyworld.blocks.place.(x237|x149|x223:1|x207|x208|x208:1|x208:2|x216|x216.1|x216.2|x216.3|x250.15|x246.5|x7310|x126:4|x126:3|x239|x46)

- -modifyworld.items.craft.(x27527.?*|x27556.?*|x27535.?*|x27556.?*|x27585.?*|x30208:27|x27555.?*|x27570.?*|x6263.?*|x27580.?*|x27579.?*|x27581.?*|x27582.?*|x27538.?*|x27529.?*|x27588.?*|x27589.?*|x27590.?*|x27533.?*|x27574.?*|x27537.?*)

- modifyworld.*

- -worldedit.*

- essentials.afk

- essentials.help

- essentials.ignore

- essentials.list

- essentials.mail

- essentials.mail.send

- essentials.me

- essentials.motd

- essentials.msg

- essentials.spawn

- essentials.home

- essentials.sethome

I hope that fixed it, but just to be sure, set up a test server, enable debug mode in your config.yml and try placing/crafting each item and see it it works. Keep a close eye on console outputs, to see if permissionsex recognizes each item, if not, try changing the parameters for that item, or use the item name if it's a vanilla item.

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