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When ever I try to run the launchers it pops up checking launcher version...



Launcher Version:

Operating System: Windows HP Pavilion Elite m9425f PC

Java Version: 32 bit

Antivirus Program: It won't let me run it properly and just pops up checking launcher version... Then it goes away.

Description of Problem:

It won't let me run it properly and just pops up checking launcher version... Then it goes away.

Error Messages:

Error Log:

20 answers to this question

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The first thing to fix this is to simply run the .jar file by itself. Locate it in your roaming folder under C:\Users\[uSER]\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher.

If that doesn't work, right click your task bar > Task Manager > Processes > locate java.exe and click it then press "End Process", it shouldnt damage anything unless you're running a super sensitive program that utilizes Java. In which case be responsible and shut that down first. Then open the .jar file again. It should work.

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Yeah... It's supposed to open Technic Launcher and actually RUN, if you're opening it as a .RAR file then you have your settings completely wrong. Explain what happens when you actually double click it? Though I've a feeling you either know little to nothing about computers or simply are messing around.

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The .jar file doesn't seem to be working for me either. A message appears then disappears immediately and by clicking it loads of times i made out "Error: Could not find or load main class C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\technic-launcher.jar"

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  "Icyblue said:
Yeah... It's supposed to open Technic Launcher and actually RUN, if you're opening it as a .RAR file then you have your settings completely wrong. Explain what happens when you actually double click it? Though I've a feeling you either know little to nothing about computers or simply are messing around.

Im having the same problem he is. I've followed every tutorial i could find, video walkthroughs of how to install the launcher and all it does it opens up a box saying "checking launcher version" and closes to which nothing else happens. when i double click the roaming file all it does is open up a .RAR file. when that happens it gives me 4 folders. com, META-INF,org and sevenZip. i downloaded the .EXE file for the launcher and thats what it gave me. if you can help ill forever be in your graditude.

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Technic hates me I tried for like 3 hours but nothing works, all difrent kinds of meseges pop up I'm gonna give up until a update and maybe that mite help with my problems.

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Pretty much just the one's I've linked, restart afterwards just to be sure. Anything else if this doesn't work try and find someone who knows more about this stuff.

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