im trying to delete advanced machines version 4 but it wont let me
Error Messages:
Error Log:
2012-07-07 19:56:49 [iNFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.2.5
2012-07-07 19:56:49 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version @MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REV@.@BUILD@ for Minecraft @MCVERSION@ loading
2012-07-07 19:56:49 [FINE] Attempting to load mods contained in the minecraft jar file and associated classes
2012-07-07 19:56:49 [FINE] Minecraft is a file at C:\Users\user\Desktop\tekkit 3.0.4 server\Tekkit.jar, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:49 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_MinecraftForge in file Tekkit.jar, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_MinecraftForge found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_MinecraftForge loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_MinecraftForge loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Minecraft jar mods loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [iNFO] Loading mods from C:\Users\user\Desktop\tekkit 3.0.4 server\mods
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_AdditionalPipes in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_AdditionalPipes found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_AdditionalPipes loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_AdditionalPipes loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] File loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2AdvancedMachines in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2AdvancedMachines found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2AdvancedMachines loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2AdvancedMachines loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] File loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftBuilders in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftBuilders found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftBuilders loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftBuilders loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftFactory in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftFactory found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftFactory loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftFactory loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftEnergy in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftEnergy found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftEnergy loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftEnergy loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftCore in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftCore found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftCore loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftCore loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftTransport in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftTransport found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftTransport loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_BuildCraftTransport loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] File loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CodeChickenCore in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CodeChickenCore found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CodeChickenCore loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CodeChickenCore loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] File loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINE] Found a directory ComputerCraft, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINEST] Recursing into package dan200
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINEST] Recursing into package
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINEST] Recursing into package
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINEST] Recursing into package
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINEST] Recursing into package
2012-07-07 19:56:50 [FINEST] Recursing into package dan200.turtle
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package dan200.turtle.api
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package dan200.turtle.shared
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package eloraam
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package eloraam.core
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package licenses
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package lua
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package lua.rom
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package lua.rom.apis
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package lua.rom.apis.turtle
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package lua.rom.programs
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package lua.rom.programs.http
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package lua.rom.programs.secret
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package lua.rom.programs.turtle
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package net
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package net.minecraft
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package net.minecraft.server
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CCTurtle in directory server, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CCTurtle found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CCTurtle loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINE] Successfully loaded mod class mod_CCTurtle.class
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_ComputerCraft in directory server, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_ComputerCraft found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_ComputerCraft loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINE] Successfully loaded mod class mod_ComputerCraft.class
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package org
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package org.luaj
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package org.luaj.vm2
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package org.luaj.vm2.ast
2012-07-07 19:56:51 [FINEST] Recursing into package org.luaj.vm2.compiler
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINEST] Recursing into package org.luaj.vm2.lib
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINEST] Recursing into package org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINEST] Recursing into package org.luaj.vm2.lua2java
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINEST] Recursing into package org.luaj.vm2.luajc
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINEST] Recursing into package org.luaj.vm2.parser
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINEST] Recursing into package org.luaj.vm2.script
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Directory ComputerCraft loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file CraftingTable3_1.8.jar, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CraftingTableIII in file CraftingTable3_1.8.jar, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CraftingTableIII found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CraftingTableIII loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CraftingTableIII loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] File CraftingTable3_1.8.jar loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_EE in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_EE found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_EE loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_EE loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] File loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_EnderStorage in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_EnderStorage found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_EnderStorage loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_EnderStorage loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] File loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2 in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2 found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2 loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2 loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] File loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2_ChargingBench in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2_ChargingBench found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2_ChargingBench loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2_ChargingBench loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] File loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:52 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CompactSolars in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CompactSolars found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CompactSolars loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_CompactSolars loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] File loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2NuclearControl in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2NuclearControl found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2NuclearControl loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IC2NuclearControl loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] File loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IronChest in file, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IronChest found, loading
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IronChest loaded
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_IronChest loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] File loaded successfully
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file mod_NetherOres.jar, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.server.mod_NetherOres in file mod_NetherOres.jar, attempting to load it
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/minecraft/server/mod_NetherOres : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at$000(Unknown Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at$ Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at Method)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadModClass(
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.attemptFileLoad(
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.load(
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLBukkitHandler.onPreLoad(
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] at
2012-07-07 19:56:53 [sEVERE] Unexpected exception
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/minecraft/server/mod_NetherOres : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at$000(Unknown Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadModClass(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.attemptFileLoad(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.load(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLBukkitHandler.onPreLoad(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
Title: i cant delete a mod
Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4
OS: windows vista 32 bit
Java Version: jre6
Description of Problem:
im trying to delete advanced machines version 4 but it wont let me
Error Messages:
Error Log:
2 answers to this question
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