Title: Falling through world/Void when joining a SMP Tekkit server
Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4
OS: 64-bit Windows 7
Java Version: jre7
Description of Problem:
Whenever i attempt to join a friend's MP Tekkit server the world either doesn't load and i constantly fall through the void, or only a few chunks around me load.
It occasionally lets me play for from 1-10 minutes and the problem wasn't occuring yesterday or the day before although it did occasionally happen on a smaller scale but it always fixed itself after a minute or 2.
I've tried reinstalling tekkit twice, reinstalling java, changing the graphics settings to fast, having the render distance at tiny, setting the framerate to Vsync and powersaver and restarting my router several times in case it was my internet but it still occurs, i also checked if there were any condensers attached to wooden/redpower/etc pipes during the brief times i was able to log on and by asking some of the other people playing as i read that there is a glitch that can cause this problem but we are unable to locate any.
Theres about 10 other people who play on the server as well but they don't have any problems.
Error Messages:
Connection lost: End of stream, Internal exception: java.net.socketexception: Software caused connection abort: recv failed.
Title: Falling through world/Void when joining a SMP Tekkit server
Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4
OS: 64-bit Windows 7
Java Version: jre7
Description of Problem:
Whenever i attempt to join a friend's MP Tekkit server the world either doesn't load and i constantly fall through the void, or only a few chunks around me load.
It occasionally lets me play for from 1-10 minutes and the problem wasn't occuring yesterday or the day before although it did occasionally happen on a smaller scale but it always fixed itself after a minute or 2.
I've tried reinstalling tekkit twice, reinstalling java, changing the graphics settings to fast, having the render distance at tiny, setting the framerate to Vsync and powersaver and restarting my router several times in case it was my internet but it still occurs, i also checked if there were any condensers attached to wooden/redpower/etc pipes during the brief times i was able to log on and by asking some of the other people playing as i read that there is a glitch that can cause this problem but we are unable to locate any.
Theres about 10 other people who play on the server as well but they don't have any problems.
Error Messages:
Connection lost: End of stream, Internal exception: java.net.socketexception: Software caused connection abort: recv failed.
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