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Tekkit Black/White Screen after Connect



Title: Tekkit Black/White Screen after Connect

Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4

OS: Mac OS X Lion

Java Version: Java SE 6 (that's the highest it goes for Mac apparently >.>)

Description of Problem:

I can direct connect to my friend's server, and play on single-player without a care in the world, but when I try to regularly connect to the server, I get connected but only see the regular dirt-blocks start up screen, with no error messages. Then, the screen goes black for about five seconds before turning white. A bit of code flashes briefly before the screen goes white and freezes. My friend says she sees me log in, and that I just stay connected, and I don't disconnect for a while after logging in, but my screen is frozen...so I can't play. Vanilla connections are fine, same with other mods, just Tekkit giving me a spot of trouble. Any ideas? Everything's been working perfectly fine until earlier today....

Error Messages:


Error Log:


18 answers to this question

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Title: Tekkit Black/White Screen after Connect

Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4

OS: Windows 7

Java Version: Java SE 7 - Update 5

Bump Bump Bump.

I have this exact same problem, no lead up TO the problem. I mean, I have suffered with "out of memory" crashes a few times, but never this.

Now tonight, for no apparent reason, when I try to log in. The Dirt background appears with the "cancel" button, a few seconds later, the screen goes black, then for a micro-second it flashes something up before going to a white screen that it stays on indefinitely.

My friends have reported that I log into the game and my character is there, just I am not actually able to do anything.

To clarify I have done the following to attempt to rectify;

1 - Clear Cache and attempt update of Tekkit. - "Failed to clear the Cache! Ensure modpack files are open, if all else fails, close the launcher, restart it, and try again" - This happens every time I attempt to clear Cache.

2 - Re-install Technic Launcher. This causes it to freeze up several times during the update process, which can only be fixed by closing and opening launcher again. However the ultimate result is back at the start again.

3 - Recover an Archived version of the Technic Launcher I made a couple of weeks ago. This avoids the updating issue, but end result is still the Black/white screen of infinite death.

4 - Re-install Java. This made no changes at all.

I'm at a loss here guys, and this was the only forum post I found that had the same problem I do.

Any further solutions?

  • 0

Bump, i got the same thing i was playing around 3 a.m. finishing off a few things when my server crashed and wouldn't let back on. All my friends can still play but im left stranded in skype listening to them play :(

  • 0

Same problem here with my brother's username. It's my own server, so I think things are good on that side. I can log on with my username. All my friends can log on with their usernames. But my brother gets the black screen > flash > white screen issue.

Here is my log:

[14:23:07] [sEVERE]------------------------------------------

[14:23:07] [sEVERE]Launcher is starting....

[14:23:07] [sEVERE]Launcher Build: ''

[14:23:07] [sEVERE]Allocated 1019.875 Mb of RAM

[14:23:07] [sEVERE]Java VM: '1.6.0_33-b03-424-11M3720'

[14:23:07] [sEVERE]OS Version: '10.8'

[14:23:07] [sEVERE]Is 64-bit: 'true'

[14:23:08] [sEVERE][info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[14:23:08] [sEVERE]Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[14:23:08] [sEVERE]Copying: /temp/file9004616481491059121.tmp to: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[14:23:08] [sEVERE]File Downloaded: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[14:23:09] [sEVERE][MD5 Mismatch] File '/launcher/tekkit/modpack.yml' has md5 of 'd322a09d556f9920ac19871cb332e7bd' instead of '1768fd9787fc2a680dac81c6eb3a256b'

[14:23:09] [sEVERE][info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from ''.

[14:23:09] [sEVERE][info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from ''.

[14:23:19] [sEVERE]Loading Launcher from 'techniclauncher/tekkit'

[14:23:25] [sEVERE]Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization

[14:23:25] [sEVERE]Completed early MinecraftForge initialization

[14:23:25] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:25 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft c:1.2.5, s:1.2.5 loading

[14:23:25] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:25 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has detected optifine OptiFine_1.2.5_HD_S_C6, enabling compatibility features

[14:23:25] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:25 [iNFO] Loading mods from /tekkit/mods

[14:23:25] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:25 [iNFO] File NEI_RailCraftPlugin 1.2.2.zip contained no mods

[14:23:25] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:25 [iNFO] File NEI_RedPowerPlugin contained no mods

[14:23:25] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:25 [iNFO] Directory rei_minimap contained no mods

[14:23:25] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:25 [iNFO] Directory weaponmod contained no mods

[14:23:25] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:25 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has loaded 39 mods

[14:23:26] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:26 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.3.8.164 Initialized

[14:23:26] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:26 [WARNING] Configuration for mod_ComputerCraft.enableAPI_http found value 0 outside acceptable range 4.9E-324,1.7976931348623157E308

[14:23:26] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:26 [iNFO] [WeaponMod] Properties file read succesfully!

[14:23:30] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Constructing.

[14:23:30] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online earthlies_database.xrl.

[14:23:30] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online interactions_environments.xrl.

[14:23:30] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online interactions_extras.xrl.

[14:23:30] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched interactions_extras.xrl.

[14:23:30] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched earthlies_database.xrl.

[14:23:30] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched interactions_environments.xrl.

[14:23:30] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader Limbo is now empty.

[14:23:31] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:23:31 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader load complete, 39 mods loaded

[14:23:33] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) SoundCommunicator loaded (after 3.031 s.).

[14:23:33] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Bypassing Resource Reloader. This may cause issues.

[14:23:33] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ResourceReloader finished (after 3.092 s.).

[14:23:33] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader signaled. Currently has 3 expansions and 0 in limbo.

[14:23:34] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Expansion interactions_environments.xrl loaded.

[14:23:37] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Expansion earthlies_database.xrl loaded.

[14:23:37] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Expansion interactions_extras.xrl loaded.

[14:23:37] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader Loading and Limbo are now empty.

[14:23:37] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Ready.

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]java.lang.NullPointerException

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at um.a(SourceFile:34)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at fe.a(SourceFile:185)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at fe.a(SourceFile:76)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at ix.a(SourceFile:18)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at ix.a(SourceFile:6)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at ahu.a(RenderManager.java:188)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at codechicken.nei.SpawnerRenderer.renderInventoryItem(SpawnerRenderer.java:53)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at codechicken.nei.SpawnerRenderer.renderItem(SpawnerRenderer.java:72)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at forge.ForgeHooksClient.renderInventoryItem(ForgeHooksClient.java:405)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at tw.a(RenderItem.java:276)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at aiy.a(GuiIngame.java:756)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at aiy.a(GuiIngame.java:333)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at lr.b(EntityRenderer.java:1087)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(Minecraft.java:876)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:753)

[14:23:51] [sEVERE]at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]java.lang.NullPointerException

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at um.b(SourceFile:313)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at ahu.a(RenderManager.java:189)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at codechicken.nei.SpawnerRenderer.renderInventoryItem(SpawnerRenderer.java:53)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at codechicken.nei.SpawnerRenderer.renderItem(SpawnerRenderer.java:72)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at forge.ForgeHooksClient.renderInventoryItem(ForgeHooksClient.java:405)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at tw.a(RenderItem.java:276)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at aiy.a(GuiIngame.java:756)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at aiy.a(GuiIngame.java:333)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at lr.b(EntityRenderer.java:1087)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(Minecraft.java:876)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:753)

[14:23:52] [sEVERE]at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

[14:24:02] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:24:02 [sEVERE] A critical error has occurred.


at um.b(SourceFile:313)

at ahu.a(RenderManager.java:189)

at codechicken.nei.SpawnerRenderer.renderInventoryItem(SpawnerRenderer.java:53)

at codechicken.nei.SpawnerRenderer.renderItem(SpawnerRenderer.java:72)

at forge.ForgeHooksClient.renderInventoryItem(ForgeHooksClient.java:405)

at tw.a(RenderItem.java:276)

at aiy.a(GuiIngame.java:756)

at aiy.a(GuiIngame.java:333)

at lr.b(EntityRenderer.java:1087)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(Minecraft.java:876)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:753)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

[14:24:02] [sEVERE]2012-08-05 14:24:02 [sEVERE] 39 mods loaded

Optifine OptiFine_1.2.5_HD_S_C6

Minecraft Forge

FML v2.2.106.176

Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5

mod_CodeChickenCore : Available (modpack.jar)

mod_MinecraftForge : Available (modpack.jar)

mod_NotEnoughItems : Available (modpack.jar)

mod_IC2 : Available (industrialcraft-2-client_1.97.jar)

mod_IC2AdvancedMachines : Available (AdvancedMachines_4.0_client.zip)

mod_ComputerCraft : Available (ComputerCraft)

mod_CCTurtle : Available (ComputerCraft)

mod_EE : Available (EE2ClientV1.4.6.5.jar)

mod_EnderStorage : Available (EnderStorage-Client 1.1.3.zip)

mod_IC2NuclearControl : Available (IC2NuclearControl_client_v1.1.10b.zip)

mod_InvTweaks : Available (InvTweaks-1.41b-1.2.4.zip)

mod_MAtmos_forModLoader : Available (MAtmos_packaged.zip)

mod_RedPowerCore : Available (RedPowerCore-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_NetherOres : Available (NetherOres_Client_1.2.1.zip)

mod_BuildCraftCore : Available (buildcraft-client-A-core-2.2.14.zip)

mod_BuildCraftEnergy : Available (buildcraft-client-B-energy-2.2.14.zip)

mod_PowerConverters : Available (PowerConverters_Client_1.3.4.zip)

mod_Railcraft : Available (Railcraft_Client_5.3.3.zip)

mod_RedPowerControl : Available (RedPowerControl-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_RedPowerLighting : Available (RedPowerLighting-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_RedPowerLogic : Available (RedPowerLogic-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_RedPowerMachine : Available (RedPowerMachine-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_RedPowerWiring : Available (RedPowerWiring-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_RedPowerWorld : Available (RedPowerWorld-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_WirelessRedstoneCore : Available (WR-CBE Core-Client

mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons : Available (WR-CBE Addons-Client

mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower : Available (WR-CBE RedPower-Client

Balkon's WeaponMod : Available (WeaponMod.zip)

mod_ReiMinimap : Available ([1.2.5]ReiMinimap_v3.2_03.zip)

mod_BuildCraftBuilders : Available (buildcraft-client-B-builders-2.2.14.zip)

mod_BuildCraftFactory : Available (buildcraft-client-B-factory-2.2.14.zip)

mod_BuildCraftTransport : Available (buildcraft-client-B-transport-2.2.14.zip)

mod_AdditionalPipes : Available (buildcraft-client-DA-additionalpipes-2.1.3.zip)

mod_ImmibisCore : Available (immibis-core_49.1.1_for_1.2.5-client.jar)

mod_ModularForceFieldSystem : Available (mffs_rev5_for_1.2.5-client.zip)

mod_IC2_ChargingBench : Available (mod_chargingbench-client-1.95b-1.2.5-r1.zip)

mod_CompactSolars : Available (mod_compactsolars-client-

mod_IronChest : Available (mod_ironchests-client-

mod_TubeStuff : Available (tubestuff_49.1.1_for_1.2.5-client.jar)

  • 0

Edit: I was having the problem and I knew it was a corrupt inventory.

For some reason picking up a stack of Basalt Brick completely corrupted my inventory.

All I did was delete my player profile from the server and cheat to get my stuff back!

  • 0

Edit: I was having the problem and I knew it was a corrupt inventory.

For some reason picking up a stack of Basalt Brick completely corrupted my inventory.

All I did was delete my player profile from the server and cheat to get my stuff back!

okay for some stupid reason this one worked. lol gotta love this game sometimes and its random errors.

Either way thank you, but I could see if this is a problem it being hard to fix if you have no way of contacting the server owner/operator to get your character deleted.

  • 0

okay for some stupid reason this one worked. lol gotta love this game sometimes and its random errors.

Either way thank you, but I could see if this is a problem it being hard to fix if you have no way of contacting the server owner/operator to get your character deleted.

That is very true!

And Torezu - From what I've noticed it's a corruption with inventories. Still it would help if they showed their logs. :P.

  • 0

And Torezu - From what I've noticed it's a corruption with inventories. Still it would help if they showed their logs. :P.

Kinda the point of my other post. I could have told them that if they'd just posted the logs before I saw the topic.

  • 0

had the White screen problem last week and started a new game with my friend as couldnt fix, getting it again today, very annoying, could anyone help here is my log: [03:15:23] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:15:23 [WARNING] Received a TileEntityData packet for a location that did not have a TileEntity: (160, 51, 603) 1: 54, 0, 0

[03:17:39] [sEVERE]java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: energyStored

[03:17:39] [sEVERE]at buildcraft.transport.pipes.PipePowerWood.updateEntity(PipePowerWood.java:80)

[03:17:39] [sEVERE]at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.n_(TileGenericPipe.java:124)

[03:17:39] [sEVERE]at xd.n(World.java:2081)

[03:17:39] [sEVERE]at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(Minecraft.java:1871)

[03:17:39] [sEVERE]at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(Minecraft.java:825)

[03:17:39] [sEVERE]at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:753)

[03:17:39] [sEVERE]at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

[03:17:50] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:17:50 [sEVERE] A critical error has occurred.

java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: energyStored

at buildcraft.transport.pipes.PipePowerWood.updateEntity(PipePowerWood.java:80)

at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.n_(TileGenericPipe.java:124)

at xd.n(World.java:2081)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(Minecraft.java:1871)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(Minecraft.java:825)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:753)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

[03:17:50] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:17:50 [sEVERE] 41 mods loaded

Optifine OptiFine_1.2.5_HD_S_C6

Minecraft Forge

FML v2.2.106.176

Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5

mod_CodeChickenCore : Available (modpack.jar)

mod_MinecraftForge : Available (modpack.jar)

mod_NotEnoughItems : Available (modpack.jar)

mod_IC2 : Available (industrialcraft-2-client_1.103.jar)

mod_IC2AdvancedMachines : Available (AdvancedMachines_4.0_client.zip)

mod_ComputerCraft : Available (ComputerCraft1.41.zip)

mod_CCTurtle : Available (ComputerCraft1.41.zip)

mod_EE : Available (EE2ClientV1.4.6.5.jar)

mod_EnderStorage : Available (EnderStorage-Client 1.1.3.zip)

mod_IC2NuclearControl : Available (IC2NuclearControl_client_v1.1.10b.zip)

mod_InvTweaks : Available (InvTweaks-1.41b-1.2.4.zip)

mod_MAtmos_forModLoader : Available (MAtmos_packaged.zip)

mod_RedPowerCore : Available (RedPowerCore-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_NetherOres : Available (NetherOres_Client_1.2.1.zip)

mod_BuildCraftCore : Available (buildcraft-client-A-core-2.2.14.zip)

mod_BuildCraftEnergy : Available (buildcraft-client-B-energy-2.2.14.zip)

mod_PowerConverters : Available (PowerConverters_Client_1.3.4.zip)

mod_Railcraft : Available (Railcraft_Client_5.4.7b.zip)

mod_RedPowerControl : Available (RedPowerControl-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_RedPowerLighting : Available (RedPowerLighting-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_RedPowerLogic : Available (RedPowerLogic-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_RedPowerMachine : Available (RedPowerMachine-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_RedPowerWiring : Available (RedPowerWiring-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_RedPowerWorld : Available (RedPowerWorld-2.0pr5b2.zip)

mod_WirelessRedstoneCore : Available (WR-CBE Core-Client

mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons : Available (WR-CBE Addons-Client

mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower : Available (WR-CBE RedPower-Client

Balkon's WeaponMod : Available (WeaponMod.zip)

mod_ReiMinimap : Available ([1.2.5]ReiMinimap_v3.2_04.zip)

mod_BuildCraftBuilders : Available (buildcraft-client-B-builders-2.2.14.zip)

mod_BuildCraftFactory : Available (buildcraft-client-B-factory-2.2.14.zip)

mod_BuildCraftTransport : Available (buildcraft-client-B-transport-2.2.14.zip)

mod_AdditionalPipes : Available (buildcraft-client-DA-additionalpipes-2.1.3.zip)

mod_ccSensors : Available (ccSensors-client-MC125-B017pr1.zip)

mod_ImmibisCore : Available (immibis-core_49.1.1_for_1.2.5-client.jar)

mod_ModularForceFieldSystem : Available (mffs_rev7_for_1.2.5-client.zip)

mod_IC2_ChargingBench : Available (mod_chargingbench-client-1.95b-1.2.5-r1.zip)

mod_CompactSolars : Available (mod_compactsolars-client-

mod_IronChest : Available (mod_ironchests-client-

mod_TubeStuff : Available (tubestuff_49.1.2_for_1.2.5-client.jar)

mod_ImmiChunkLoaders : Available (zdimensional-anchor_rev3.2_for_1.2.5-client.jar)

[03:19:32] [sEVERE]------------------------------------------

[03:19:32] [sEVERE]Launcher is starting....

[03:19:32] [sEVERE]Launcher Build: ''

[03:19:32] [sEVERE]Allocated 1015.6875 Mb of RAM

[03:19:32] [sEVERE]Java VM: '1.6.0_37-b06-434-11M3909'

[03:19:32] [sEVERE]OS Version: '10.8.2'

[03:19:32] [sEVERE]Is 64-bit: 'true'

[03:19:33] [sEVERE][info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[03:19:34] [sEVERE]Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[03:19:35] [sEVERE]Copying: /temp/file2403484227405202224.tmp to: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[03:19:35] [sEVERE]File Downloaded: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[03:19:36] [sEVERE][MD5 Mismatch] File '/launcher/tekkit/modpack.yml' has md5 of 'bdee005c1defc33cdafa7a5a6f858889' instead of 'a153f7d39fc0fb39a6808a6bc40c1909'

[03:19:36] [sEVERE][info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from ''.

[03:19:37] [sEVERE][info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[03:19:45] [sEVERE]Loading Launcher from 'techniclauncher/tekkit'

[03:19:52] [sEVERE]Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization

[03:19:52] [sEVERE]Completed early MinecraftForge initialization

[03:19:52] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:19:52 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft c:1.2.5, s:1.2.5 loading

[03:19:52] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:19:52 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has detected optifine OptiFine_1.2.5_HD_S_C6, enabling compatibility features

[03:19:52] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:19:52 [iNFO] Loading mods from /tekkit/mods

[03:19:53] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:19:53 [iNFO] File NEI_RailCraftPlugin 1.2.2.zip contained no mods

[03:19:53] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:19:53 [iNFO] File NEI_RedPowerPlugin contained no mods

[03:19:53] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:19:53 [iNFO] Directory ccSensors contained no mods

[03:19:53] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:19:53 [iNFO] Directory rei_minimap contained no mods

[03:19:53] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:19:53 [iNFO] Directory weaponmod contained no mods

[03:19:53] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:19:53 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has loaded 41 mods

[03:19:53] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:19:53 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.3.8.164 Initialized

[03:19:55] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:19:55 [iNFO] [WeaponMod] Properties file read succesfully!

[03:20:16] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Constructing.

[03:20:16] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online earthlies_database.xrl.

[03:20:16] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online interactions_environments.xrl.

[03:20:16] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online interactions_extras.xrl.

[03:20:16] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched interactions_environments.xrl.

[03:20:17] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched earthlies_database.xrl.

[03:20:18] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched interactions_extras.xrl.

[03:20:18] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader Limbo is now empty.

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: canEmpty

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: waxCapsule

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: refractoryEmpty

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: canEmpty

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: waxCapsule

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: refractoryEmpty

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: canEmpty

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: waxCapsule

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: refractoryEmpty

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: canEmpty

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: waxCapsule

[03:20:19] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:19 [WARNING] Could not retrieve Forestry item identified by: refractoryEmpty

[03:20:33] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:20:33 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader load complete, 41 mods loaded

[03:20:35] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) SoundCommunicator loaded (after 19.168 s.).

[03:20:35] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Bypassing Resource Reloader. This may cause issues.

[03:20:36] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ResourceReloader finished (after 19.486 s.).

[03:20:36] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader signaled. Currently has 3 expansions and 0 in limbo.

[03:20:36] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Expansion interactions_environments.xrl loaded.

[03:20:36] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Expansion interactions_extras.xrl loaded.

[03:20:39] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Expansion earthlies_database.xrl loaded.

[03:20:39] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader Loading and Limbo are now empty.

[03:20:39] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Ready.

[03:20:58] [sEVERE](MAtmos : INFO) Update version found: 20

[03:21:19] [sEVERE]java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: energyStored

[03:21:19] [sEVERE]at buildcraft.transport.pipes.PipePowerWood.updateEntity(PipePowerWood.java:80)

[03:21:19] [sEVERE]at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.n_(TileGenericPipe.java:124)

[03:21:19] [sEVERE]at xd.n(World.java:2081)

[03:21:19] [sEVERE]at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(Minecraft.java:1871)

[03:21:19] [sEVERE]at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(Minecraft.java:825)

[03:21:19] [sEVERE]at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:753)

[03:21:19] [sEVERE]at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

[03:21:29] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:21:29 [sEVERE] A critical error has occurred.

java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: energyStored

at buildcraft.transport.pipes.PipePowerWood.updateEntity(PipePowerWood.java:80)

at buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe.n_(TileGenericPipe.java:124)

at xd.n(World.java:2081)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(Minecraft.java:1871)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(Minecraft.java:825)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:753)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

[03:21:29] [sEVERE]2012-12-17 03:21:29 [sEVERE] 41 mods loaded

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have a friend on the server build a nuke flash chamber to kill you once you log in. even thought the scree is black and or have turned white, it will still say on their screen for a moment that you have logged in. once they have killed you. log in. one your screen you should be able to see yourself dead on the screen. hit re-spwan. if you can't log out and log back in and do not exit the window or you will not be able to hit the re-spwan button. now hit re-spwan and wa la! tekkit works again.

~ Courtesy of (canwebefriends)

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Hey guys, I have the same problem as everyone here. I have tried to get my friend (who runs the server) to delete my player profile. Then I logged back into the server. It worked....for about 5 seconds. Then the same things keeps happening to me every single time I try to join, wether its by server list, or direct connect...help?

  • 0

hi guys im having the exat same thing and i try to join a server it goes black then white and it stays there. i also have the technic pack and im thinking that might be the problem

  • 0

I am having the same problem. It has happened before, and so the server owner deleted my player profile data, and it always worked before. This time, however, it did not work. I cleared my cache as well, and reinstalled the launcher, but neither have worked. Any ideas?

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Bump, I have this problem, but if I use the old launcher I can connect fine, the problem only occurs with the newer launcher. I'm hesitant to delete my player.dat and would find it much easier to use the newer launcher.

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The problem is a corrupt inventory. Ask a friend to open up your inventory with some kind of plugin, take out the items that are not regularly gotten in Survival Mode (For me it's a Mob Spawner), tell them to take it out, and you're done. You can now login to your Tekkit Server. Hope this helped!

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