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Launcher Crashed after only one use



Launcher Version:

Operating System: Windows XP (x86) version 5.1

Java Version: 1.7.0_05

Antivirus Program: Avira

Description of Problem:

This is by no means the first obstacle I have encountered. I am attempting to fix my brother's Technic Launcher. He is about as computer literate as a door nail. I found files all over the place from his previous attempts to fix it. From my knowledge, it was working before, and suddenly stopped working about 4 or 5 days ago. Not wanting to sort all of his stuff out, I deleted the .techniclauncher folder from %appdata%. I then re-installed and started from scratch. For whatever the reason, the launcher crashed shortly after hitting log in. A quick glance at the new .techniclauncher revealed a bunch of empty folders and missing data. I then proceeded to look up the Forum and found the Common Problems and Solutions; page. It proved to be helpful and I quickly dispatched the incredibly evil AVG that was stopping all of my downloads with out notice. With AVG gone, I completed a successful download and started playing it. After about two hours of playing, I exited to the main screen before eating dinner. When I came back, the computer had crashed and restarted itself. I attempted to log on once again (knowing it wouldn't work) to try and understand the problem since I wasn't there when it crashed. I was greeted with the error report you see below.

Seeing as I don't have a lot of experience with Minecraft, I decided to leave it to someone who actually knows what they are talking about. I have tried to describe the issue as thoroughly possible despite not knowing all of the details of it's first crash.

Error Messages:

Mods loaded: 37

ModLoader 1.2.5

mod_CodeChickenCore 0.5.2


mod_NotEnoughItems 1.2.2

mod_ReiMinimap v3.0_04 [1.2.5]

mod_BuildCraftCore 2.2.14

mod_BuildCraftBuilders 2.2.14

mod_BuildCraftEnergy 2.2.14

mod_BuildCraftFactory 2.2.14

mod_BuildCraftTransport 2.2.14

mod_AdditionalPipes 2.1.3 (Minecraft 1.2.5, Buildcraft 2.2.14, Forge

mod_ComputerCraft 1.33

mod_CCTurtle 1.33


mod_EnderStorage 1.1.1

mod_IC2NuclearControl v1.1.6

mod_ImmibisCore 48.2.1

mod_IC2 v1.95

mod_PowerConverters 1.2.5R1.3.4

mod_IC2AdvancedMachines v4.0

mod_InvTweaks 1.41b (1.2.4)

mod_MAtmos_forModLoader r12 for 1.1.x

mod_CompactSolars 2.2

mod_IronChest 3.3

mod_Railcraft 5.2.4

mod_RedPowerControl 2.0pr5b2

mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr5b2

mod_NetherOres 1.2.5R1.2.2

mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr5b2

mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr5b2

mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr5b2

mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr5b2

mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr5b2

mod_TubeStuff 48.2.1

mod_WirelessRedstoneCore 1.2.1


mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons 1.2.1

Minecraft has crashed!


Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.

--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 94fcb481 --------

Generated 7/17/12 8:27 PM

Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5

OS: Windows XP (x86) version 5.1

Java: 1.7.0_05, Oracle Corporation

VM: Java HotSpot Client VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation

LWJGL: 2.4.2

OpenGL: GeForce GT 220/PCI/SSE2 version 3.3.0, NVIDIA Corporation

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 209 is already occupied by dan200.turtle.shared.BlockTurtle@27f77b when adding railcraft.common.structures.BlockStructure@1e8bbb4

at pb.<init>(Block.java:249)

at pb.<init>(Block.java:281)

at agy.<init>(BlockContainer.java:13)

at railcraft.common.structures.BlockStructure.<init>(BlockStructure.java:18)

at railcraft.common.RailcraftBlocks.registerBlockStructure(RailcraftBlocks.java:167)

at railcraft.common.modules.ModuleSignals.initializeModule(ModuleSignals.java:25)

at railcraft.common.modules.RailcraftModuleManager.initializeModule(RailcraftModuleManager.java:145)

at railcraft.common.modules.RailcraftModuleManager.loadModules(RailcraftModuleManager.java:72)

at mod_Railcraft.load(mod_Railcraft.java:50)

at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:891)

at ModLoader.addAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:189)

at ahu.<init>(RenderManager.java:86)

at ahu.<clinit>(RenderManager.java:14)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(Minecraft.java:394)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:732)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

--- END ERROR REPORT c9937dab ----------

Error Log:

This is Launcher_0



[19:52:02] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....

[19:52:02] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''

[19:52:02] [sEVERE] Allocated 989.875 Mb of RAM

[19:52:02] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.7.0_05-b05'

[19:52:02] [sEVERE] OS Version: '5.1'

[19:52:02] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'false'

[19:52:02] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[19:52:03] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[19:52:03] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file5866332412661342973.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[19:52:03] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[19:52:03] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\modpack.yml' has md5 of 'd0b3f3ca2e9a945d14b8fc219c0ed406' instead of '6d0cae11845255390e463c81877706af'

[19:52:03] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/modpack.yml'.

[19:52:04] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[19:52:25] [sEVERE] Loading Launcher from 'techniclauncher/tekkit'

[20:26:42] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------

[20:26:42] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....

[20:26:42] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''

[20:26:42] [sEVERE] Allocated 989.875 Mb of RAM

[20:26:42] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.7.0_05-b05'

[20:26:42] [sEVERE] OS Version: '5.1'

[20:26:42] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'false'

[20:26:43] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[20:26:43] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[20:26:44] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file7115457266052747082.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[20:26:44] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[20:26:44] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\modpack.yml' has md5 of 'd0b3f3ca2e9a945d14b8fc219c0ed406' instead of '6d0cae11845255390e463c81877706af'

[20:26:44] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/modpack.yml'.

[20:26:45] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from ''.

[20:26:58] [sEVERE] Loading Launcher from 'techniclauncher/tekkit'

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] ModLoader 1.2.5 Initializing...

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\bin\modpack.jar

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] SPAWNER_ALLOW_ON_INVERTED not in config, using default: true

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_MinecraftForge" from mod_MinecraftForge.class

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_CodeChickenCore 0.5.2" from mod_CodeChickenCore.class

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_NotEnoughItems 1.2.2" from mod_NotEnoughItems.class

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\[1.2.5]ReiMinimap_v3.0_04.zip

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_ReiMinimap v3.0_04 [1.2.5]" from mod_ReiMinimap.class

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\AdvancedMachines_4.0_client.zip

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_IC2AdvancedMachines v4.0" from mod_IC2AdvancedMachines.class

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\buildcraft-client-A-core-2.2.14.zip

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_BuildCraftCore 2.2.14" from mod_BuildCraftCore.class

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\buildcraft-client-B-builders-2.2.14.zip

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_BuildCraftBuilders 2.2.14" from mod_BuildCraftBuilders.class

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\buildcraft-client-B-energy-2.2.14.zip

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_BuildCraftEnergy 2.2.14" from mod_BuildCraftEnergy.class

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\buildcraft-client-B-factory-2.2.14.zip

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_BuildCraftFactory 2.2.14" from mod_BuildCraftFactory.class

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\buildcraft-client-B-transport-2.2.14.zip

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_BuildCraftTransport 2.2.14" from mod_BuildCraftTransport.class

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\buildcraft-client-DA-additionalpipes-2.1.3.zip

[20:27:12] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] MinecraftForge v3.1.3.107 Initialized


[20:27:13] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_AdditionalPipes 2.1.3 (Minecraft 1.2.5, Buildcraft 2.2.14, Forge" from mod_AdditionalPipes.class

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\ComputerCraft

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] Directory found.

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] turtleBlockID not in config, using default: 209

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_CCTurtle 1.33" from mod_CCTurtle.class

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] computerBlockID not in config, using default: 207

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] diskDriveBlockID not in config, using default: 208

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] diskItemID not in config, using default: 4000

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] enableAPI_http not in config, using default: 0

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] terminal_width not in config, using default: 50

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] terminal_height not in config, using default: 18

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] terminal_textColour_r not in config, using default: 255

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] terminal_textColour_g not in config, using default: 255

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] terminal_textColour_b not in config, using default: 255

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] modem_range not in config, using default: 64

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] modem_rangeDuringStorm not in config, using default: 16

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_ComputerCraft 1.33" from mod_ComputerCraft.class

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\CraftingTableIIIB1.8.zip

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] blockIDCraftingTableIII not in config, using default: 126

[20:27:13] [sEVERE] guiIDCraftingTableIII not in config, using default: 235

[20:27:14] [sEVERE] Failed to load mod from "mod_CraftingTableIII.class"

[20:27:14] [sEVERE] THROW

[20:27:24] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\EE2ClientV1.4.5.1.jar

[20:27:24] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:24] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_EE" from mod_EE.class

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\EnderStorage-Client 1.1.1.zip

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_EnderStorage 1.1.1" from mod_EnderStorage.class

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\IC2NuclearControl_client_v1.1.6.zip

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_IC2NuclearControl v1.1.6" from mod_IC2NuclearControl.class

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\immibis-core_48.2.1_for_1.2.5-client.jar

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_ImmibisCore 48.2.1" from mod_ImmibisCore.class

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\industrialcraft-2-client_1.95b.jar

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_IC2 v1.95" from mod_IC2.class

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\InvTweaks-1.41b-1.2.4.zip

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_InvTweaks 1.41b (1.2.4)" from mod_InvTweaks.class

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\MAtmos_packaged.zip

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_MAtmos_forModLoader r12 for 1.1.x" from mod_MAtmos_forModLoader.class

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\mod_chargingbench-client-1.95b-1.2.5-r1.zip

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Failed to load mod from "mod_IC2_ChargingBench.class"

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] THROW

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\mod_compactsolars-client-

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_CompactSolars 2.2" from mod_CompactSolars.class

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\mod_ironchests-client-

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_IronChest 3.3" from mod_IronChest.class

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\NEI_RailCraftPlugin 1.2.2.zip

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\NEI_RedPowerPlugin

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\NetherOres_Client_1.2.1.zip

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_NetherOres 1.2.5R1.2.2" from mod_NetherOres.class

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\PowerConverters_Client_1.3.4.zip

[20:27:25] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_PowerConverters 1.2.5R1.3.4" from mod_PowerConverters.class

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\Railcraft_Client_5.2.4.zip

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_Railcraft 5.2.4" from mod_Railcraft.class

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\RedPowerControl-2.0pr5b2.zip

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_RedPowerControl 2.0pr5b2" from mod_RedPowerControl.class

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\RedPowerCore-2.0pr5b2.zip

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr5b2" from mod_RedPowerCore.class

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\RedPowerLighting-2.0pr5b2.zip

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr5b2" from mod_RedPowerLighting.class

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\RedPowerLogic-2.0pr5b2.zip

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr5b2" from mod_RedPowerLogic.class

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\RedPowerMachine-2.0pr5b2.zip

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr5b2" from mod_RedPowerMachine.class

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\RedPowerWiring-2.0pr5b2.zip

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr5b2" from mod_RedPowerWiring.class

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\RedPowerWorld-2.0pr5b2.zip

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr5b2" from mod_RedPowerWorld.class

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\rei_minimap

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Directory found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\tubestuff_48.2.1_for_1.2.5-client.jar

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_TubeStuff 48.2.1" from mod_TubeStuff.class

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\WR-CBE Addons-Client 1.2.1.zip

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons 1.2.1" from mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons.class

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\WR-CBE Core-Client 1.2.1.zip

[20:27:26] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_WirelessRedstoneCore 1.2.1" from mod_WirelessRedstoneCore.class

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Adding mods from \tekkit\mods\WR-CBE RedPower-Client

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Zip found.

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Initialized: "mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower" from mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower.class

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_CodeChickenCore 0.5.2"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_MinecraftForge"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_NotEnoughItems 1.2.2"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_ReiMinimap v3.0_04 [1.2.5]"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_BuildCraftCore 2.2.14"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_BuildCraftBuilders 2.2.14"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_BuildCraftEnergy 2.2.14"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_BuildCraftFactory 2.2.14"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_BuildCraftTransport 2.2.14"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_AdditionalPipes 2.1.3 (Minecraft 1.2.5, Buildcraft 2.2.14, Forge"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_ComputerCraft 1.33"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_CCTurtle 1.33"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_EE"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_EnderStorage 1.1.1"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_IC2NuclearControl v1.1.6"

[20:27:27] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_ImmibisCore 48.2.1"

[20:27:28] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_IC2 v1.95"

[20:27:28] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_PowerConverters 1.2.5R1.3.4"

[20:27:28] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_IC2AdvancedMachines v4.0"

[20:27:29] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_InvTweaks 1.41b (1.2.4)"

[20:27:29] [sEVERE] (MAtmos : INFO) Constructing.


[20:27:29] [sEVERE] (MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online earthlies_database.xrl.


[20:27:29] [sEVERE] (MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online interactions_environments.xrl.


[20:27:29] [sEVERE] (MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online interactions_extras.xrl.


[20:27:29] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_MAtmos_forModLoader r12 for 1.1.x"

[20:27:29] [sEVERE] (MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched interactions_extras.xrl.


[20:27:29] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_CompactSolars 2.2"

[20:27:29] [sEVERE] Mod Loaded: "mod_IronChest 3.3"

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] (MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched interactions_environments.xrl.


[20:27:30] [sEVERE] (MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched earthlies_database.xrl.


[20:27:30] [sEVERE] (MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader Limbo is now empty.


[20:27:30] [sEVERE] Railcraft Core Module: Bronze detected, adding alternative minecart recipe: ingotBronze, id=30,246

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] THROW

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] Exception in thread "Minecraft main thread"

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(Minecraft.java:394)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:732)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 209 is already occupied by dan200.turtle.shared.BlockTurtle@27f77b when adding railcraft.common.structures.BlockStructure@1e8bbb4

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:918)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at ModLoader.addAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:189)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at ahu.<init>(RenderManager.java:86)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at ahu.<clinit>(RenderManager.java:14)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] ... 3 more

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 209 is already occupied by dan200.turtle.shared.BlockTurtle@27f77b when adding railcraft.common.structures.BlockStructure@1e8bbb4

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at pb.<init>(Block.java:249)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at pb.<init>(Block.java:281)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at agy.<init>(BlockContainer.java:13)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at railcraft.common.structures.BlockStructure.<init>(BlockStructure.java:18)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at railcraft.common.RailcraftBlocks.registerBlockStructure(RailcraftBlocks.java:167)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at railcraft.common.modules.ModuleSignals.initializeModule(ModuleSignals.java:25)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at railcraft.common.modules.RailcraftModuleManager.initializeModule(RailcraftModuleManager.java:145)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at railcraft.common.modules.RailcraftModuleManager.loadModules(RailcraftModuleManager.java:72)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at mod_Railcraft.load(mod_Railcraft.java:50)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:891)

[20:27:30] [sEVERE] ... 6 more

[20:35:06] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------

[20:35:06] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....

[20:35:06] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''

[20:35:06] [sEVERE] Allocated 989.875 Mb of RAM

[20:35:06] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.7.0_05-b05'

[20:35:06] [sEVERE] OS Version: '5.1'

[20:35:06] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'false'

[20:35:07] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[20:35:08] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[20:35:08] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file7207222127369920993.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[20:35:08] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[20:35:09] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\modpack.yml' has md5 of 'd0b3f3ca2e9a945d14b8fc219c0ed406' instead of '6d0cae11845255390e463c81877706af'

[20:35:09] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/modpack.yml'.

[20:35:09] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[20:35:29] [sEVERE] Exiting the Technic Launcher

[20:35:47] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------

[20:35:47] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....

[20:35:47] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''

[20:35:47] [sEVERE] Allocated 989.875 Mb of RAM

[20:35:47] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.7.0_05-b05'

[20:35:47] [sEVERE] OS Version: '5.1'

[20:35:47] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'false'

[20:35:48] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[20:35:48] [sEVERE] Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[20:35:48] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file7839038625915685453.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[20:35:48] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[20:35:48] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\modpack.yml' has md5 of 'd0b3f3ca2e9a945d14b8fc219c0ed406' instead of '6d0cae11845255390e463c81877706af'

[20:35:49] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/modpack.yml'.

[20:35:49] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from ''.

[20:35:51] [sEVERE] Exiting the Technic Launcher

1 answer to this question

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