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Title: Tekkit closes itself randomly.

Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4

OS: Windows XP

Java Version: 7

Description of Problem:

Tekkit closes itself randomly while I play it. Mosssst of the time i closes around 3-5 minutes into playing it but on time it went an hour before it closes.

Error Messages:


Error Log:

Current thread (0x07f5e800):  JavaThread "Minecraft main thread" [_thread_in_native, id=3172, stack(0x08dc0000,0x08e10000)]

siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x000084c1


EAX=0x107823fc, EBX=0x00000000, ECX=0x69630c84, EDX=0x00000000

ESP=0x08e0f220, EBP=0x08e0f258, ESI=0x08e0f244, EDI=0x092d673b

EIP=0x000084c1, EFLAGS=0x00210246

Top of Stack: (sp=0x08e0f220)

0x08e0f220:   07f5e928 08e0f244 000084c1 4770f000

0x08e0f230:   00000000 69411ad0 00000000 01451ba3

0x08e0f240:   07f5e928 218f2c28 00000001 00000001

0x08e0f250:   5ed04830 00000000 08e0f2f0 014a7f86

0x08e0f260:   69411ad0 00000000 0000006b 1e7765c0

0x08e0f270:   3f700000 bd800000 08e0f2f0 01489194

0x08e0f280:   5ed04830 00000000 08e0f2bc 00d532c7

0x08e0f290:   000084c1 0000006b 1e9ab8a0 08e0f29c 

Instructions: (pc=0x000084c1)


[error occurred during error reporting (printing registers, top of stack, instructions near pc), id 0xc0000005]

Register to memory mapping:

EAX=0x107823fc is an unknown value

EBX=0x00000000 is an unknown value

ECX=0x69630c84 is an unknown value

EDX=0x00000000 is an unknown value

ESP=0x08e0f220 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x07f5e800

EBP=0x08e0f258 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x07f5e800

ESI=0x08e0f244 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x07f5e800

EDI=0x092d673b is an unknown value

Stack: [0x08dc0000,0x08e10000],  sp=0x08e0f220,  free space=316k

Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)

C  0x000084c1

J  es.a(IFF)V

j  amo.b(Lacq;IF)I+7

J  fe.a(Lacq;DDDFF)V

j  ahu.a(Lnn;DDDFF)V+24

j  af.a(Lcj;DDDF)V+169

j  af.a(Lkw;DDDF)V+12

j  ach.a(Lkw;DDDF)V+22

j  ach.a(Lkw;F)V+109

J  l.a(Lbo;Lamd;F)V

j  lr.b(F)V+887

j  EntityRendererProxy.b(F)V+2

j  net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x()V+354

j  net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run()V+41

j  java.lang.Thread.run()V+11

v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub

V  [jvm.dll+0x12964a]

V  [jvm.dll+0x1d851e]

V  [jvm.dll+0x129833]

V  [jvm.dll+0x129897]

V  [jvm.dll+0xd24af]

V  [jvm.dll+0x149977]

V  [jvm.dll+0x149ae0]

V  [jvm.dll+0x17e049]

C  [msvcr100.dll+0x5c6de]  endthreadex+0x3a

C  [msvcr100.dll+0x5c788]  endthreadex+0xe4

C  [kernel32.dll+0xb729]  GetModuleFileNameA+0x1ba

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)

J  org.lwjgl.opengl.GL13.nglMultiTexCoord2f(IFFJ)V

J  es.a(IFF)V

j  amo.a(Lcb;IF)I+63

j  amo.b(Lacq;IF)I+7

J  fe.a(Lacq;DDDFF)V

j  fe.a(Lnn;DDDFF)V+14

j  ahu.a(Lnn;DDDFF)V+24

j  af.a(Lcj;DDDF)V+169

j  af.a(Lkw;DDDF)V+12

j  ach.a(Lkw;DDDF)V+22

j  ach.a(Lkw;F)V+109

J  l.a(Lbo;Lamd;F)V

j  lr.a(FJ)V+644

j  lr.b(F)V+887

j  EntityRendererProxy.b(F)V+2

j  net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x()V+354

j  net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run()V+41

j  java.lang.Thread.run()V+11

v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub

---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------

Java Threads: ( => current thread )

  0x0ec0d800 JavaThread "File IO Thread" [_thread_blocked, id=3484, stack(0x43480000,0x434d0000)]

  0x0e8e4c00 JavaThread "Thread-25" [_thread_blocked, id=4016, stack(0x0f6a0000,0x0f6f0000)]

  0x0e942800 JavaThread "Thread-18" [_thread_blocked, id=3756, stack(0x0f9c0000,0x0fa10000)]

  0x0815d400 JavaThread "Thread-17" [_thread_blocked, id=2944, stack(0x0fb10000,0x0fb60000)]

  0x0e8bb400 JavaThread "Thread-16" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=2616, stack(0x0f970000,0x0f9c0000)]

=>0x07f5e800 JavaThread "Minecraft main thread" [_thread_in_native, id=3172, stack(0x08dc0000,0x08e10000)]

  0x07f5e400 JavaThread "Timer hack thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=540, stack(0x08d20000,0x08d70000)]

  0x080d0000 JavaThread "SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-6" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2584, stack(0x08d70000,0x08dc0000)]

  0x032d5400 JavaThread "SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-5" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3220, stack(0x08380000,0x083d0000)]

  0x08050400 JavaThread "Image Animator 2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2472, stack(0x08820000,0x08870000)]

  0x0804cc00 JavaThread "SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-4" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3656, stack(0x087d0000,0x08820000)]

  0x003cc000 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=2144, stack(0x00b10000,0x00b60000)]

  0x08047000 JavaThread "SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-3" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=988, stack(0x08680000,0x086d0000)]

  0x0804a800 JavaThread "SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=920, stack(0x08630000,0x08680000)]

  0x0339f800 JavaThread "TimerQueue" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2796, stack(0x08470000,0x084c0000)]

  0x0330b000 JavaThread "SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1540, stack(0x08420000,0x08470000)]

  0x009db000 JavaThread "D3D Screen Updater" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2524, stack(0x00ac0000,0x00b10000)]

  0x033f1800 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_blocked, id=3688, stack(0x07dd0000,0x07e20000)]

  0x0328ec00 JavaThread "AWT-Windows" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=1772, stack(0x03530000,0x03580000)]

  0x0328d400 JavaThread "AWT-Shutdown" [_thread_blocked, id=4032, stack(0x034e0000,0x03530000)]

  0x0328c400 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2196, stack(0x03480000,0x034d0000)]

  0x00a91800 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3212, stack(0x031e0000,0x03230000)]

  0x00a83800 JavaThread "C1 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1948, stack(0x03190000,0x031e0000)]

  0x00a81c00 JavaThread "Attach Listener" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2176, stack(0x03140000,0x03190000)]

  0x00a80400 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3408, stack(0x030f0000,0x03140000)]

  0x00a72400 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3724, stack(0x030a0000,0x030f0000)]

  0x00a6d800 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2692, stack(0x03050000,0x030a0000)]

Other Threads:

  0x00a6bc00 VMThread [stack: 0x03000000,0x03050000] [id=2992]

  0x00a93c00 WatcherThread [stack: 0x03230000,0x03280000] [id=1384]

VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None


 def new generation   total 80064K, used 20628K [0x12ab0000, 0x18180000, 0x1d550000)

  eden space 71232K,  22% used [0x12ab0000, 0x13a5e7c0, 0x17040000)

  from space 8832K,  51% used [0x17040000, 0x174b6840, 0x178e0000)

  to   space 8832K,   0% used [0x178e0000, 0x178e0000, 0x18180000)

 tenured generation   total 177624K, used 111834K [0x1d550000, 0x282c6000, 0x32ab0000)

   the space 177624K,  62% used [0x1d550000, 0x24286828, 0x24286a00, 0x282c6000)

 compacting perm gen  total 19712K, used 19512K [0x32ab0000, 0x33df0000, 0x36ab0000)

   the space 19712K,  98% used [0x32ab0000, 0x33dbe150, 0x33dbe200, 0x33df0000)

    ro space 10240K,  42% used [0x36ab0000, 0x36eee580, 0x36eee600, 0x374b0000)

    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x374b0000, 0x37b2f128, 0x37b2f200, 0x380b0000)

Code Cache  [0x00d50000, 0x014b8000, 0x02d50000)

 total_blobs=3999 nmethods=3590 adapters=342 free_code_cache=25196Kb largest_free_block=25800064

Compilation events (10 events):

Event: 173.957 Thread 0x00a83800 3575             acq::k (188 bytes)

Event: 173.959 Thread 0x00a83800 nmethod 3575 0x014b3c88 code [0x014b3f40, 0x014b43d4]

Event: 174.201 Thread 0x00a83800 3576             forge.ForgeHooks::addActiveChunks (38 bytes)

Event: 174.202 Thread 0x00a83800 nmethod 3576 0x014b4708 code [0x014b4850, 0x014b4a64]

Event: 174.216 Thread 0x00a83800 3577             forge.MinecraftForgeClient::bindTexture (6 bytes)

Event: 174.216 Thread 0x00a83800 nmethod 3577 0x014b4d48 code [0x014b4e40, 0x014b4ebc]

Event: 174.574 Thread 0x00a83800 3578             java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$HashIterator::hasNext (13 bytes)

Event: 174.574 Thread 0x00a83800 nmethod 3578 0x014b4f08 code [0x014b5000, 0x014b5090]

Event: 175.101 Thread 0x00a83800 3579             wq::s (5 bytes)

Event: 175.101 Thread 0x00a83800 nmethod 3579 0x014b50c8 code [0x014b51c0, 0x014b5240]

GC Heap History (10 events):

Event: 147.910 GC heap before

{Heap before GC invocations=163 (full 21):

 def new generation   total 52672K, used 49052K [0x12ab0000, 0x163d0000, 0x1d550000)

  eden space 46848K, 100% used [0x12ab0000, 0x15870000, 0x15870000)

  from space 5824K,  37% used [0x15e20000, 0x160471a8, 0x163d0000)

  to   space 5824K,   0% used [0x15870000, 0x15870000, 0x15e20000)

 tenured generation   total 116848K, used 112148K [0x1d550000, 0x2476c000, 0x32ab0000)

   the space 116848K,  95% used [0x1d550000, 0x242d52e0, 0x242d5400, 0x2476c000)

 compacting perm gen  total 19456K, used 19425K [0x32ab0000, 0x33db0000, 0x36ab0000)

   the space 19456K,  99% used [0x32ab0000, 0x33da8598, 0x33da8600, 0x33db0000)

    ro space 10240K,  42% used [0x36ab0000, 0x36eee580, 0x36eee600, 0x374b0000)

    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x374b0000, 0x37b2f128, 0x37b2f200, 0x380b0000)

Event: 148.902 GC heap after

Heap after GC invocations=164 (full 22):

 def new generation   total 80064K, used 0K [0x12ab0000, 0x18180000, 0x1d550000)

  eden space 71232K,   0% used [0x12ab0000, 0x12ab0000, 0x17040000)

  from space 8832K,   0% used [0x17040000, 0x17040000, 0x178e0000)

  to   space 8832K,   0% used [0x178e0000, 0x178e0000, 0x18180000)

 tenured generation   total 177624K, used 106573K [0x1d550000, 0x282c6000, 0x32ab0000)

   the space 177624K,  59% used [0x1d550000, 0x23d63530, 0x23d63600, 0x282c6000)

 compacting perm gen  total 19456K, used 19425K [0x32ab0000, 0x33db0000, 0x36ab0000)

   the space 19456K,  99% used [0x32ab0000, 0x33da8598, 0x33da8600, 0x33db0000)

    ro space 10240K,  42% used [0x36ab0000, 0x36eee580, 0x36eee600, 0x374b0000)

    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x374b0000, 0x37b2f128, 0x37b2f200, 0x380b0000)


Event: 149.930 GC heap before

{Heap before GC invocations=164 (full 22):

 def new generation   total 80064K, used 71232K [0x12ab0000, 0x18180000, 0x1d550000)

  eden space 71232K, 100% used [0x12ab0000, 0x17040000, 0x17040000)

  from space 8832K,   0% used [0x17040000, 0x17040000, 0x178e0000)

  to   space 8832K,   0% used [0x178e0000, 0x178e0000, 0x18180000)

 tenured generation   total 177624K, used 106573K [0x1d550000, 0x282c6000, 0x32ab0000)

   the space 177624K,  59% used [0x1d550000, 0x23d63530, 0x23d63600, 0x282c6000)

 compacting perm gen  total 19712K, used 19477K [0x32ab0000, 0x33df0000, 0x36ab0000)

   the space 19712K,  98% used [0x32ab0000, 0x33db5468, 0x33db5600, 0x33df0000)

    ro space 10240K,  42% used [0x36ab0000, 0x36eee580, 0x36eee600, 0x374b0000)

    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x374b0000, 0x37b2f128, 0x37b2f200, 0x380b0000)

Event: 150.028 GC heap after

Heap after GC invocations=165 (full 22):

 def new generation   total 80064K, used 8832K [0x12ab0000, 0x18180000, 0x1d550000)

  eden space 71232K,   0% used [0x12ab0000, 0x12ab0000, 0x17040000)

  from space 8832K, 100% used [0x178e0000, 0x18180000, 0x18180000)

  to   space 8832K,   0% used [0x17040000, 0x17040000, 0x178e0000)

 tenured generation   total 177624K, used 107604K [0x1d550000, 0x282c6000, 0x32ab0000)

   the space 177624K,  60% used [0x1d550000, 0x23e65300, 0x23e65400, 0x282c6000)

 compacting perm gen  total 19712K, used 19477K [0x32ab0000, 0x33df0000, 0x36ab0000)

   the space 19712K,  98% used [0x32ab0000, 0x33db5468, 0x33db5600, 0x33df0000)

    ro space 10240K,  42% used [0x36ab0000, 0x36eee580, 0x36eee600, 0x374b0000)

    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x374b0000, 0x37b2f128, 0x37b2f200, 0x380b0000)


Event: 156.523 GC heap before

{Heap before GC invocations=165 (full 22):

 def new generation   total 80064K, used 80064K [0x12ab0000, 0x18180000, 0x1d550000)

  eden space 71232K, 100% used [0x12ab0000, 0x17040000, 0x17040000)

  from space 8832K, 100% used [0x178e0000, 0x18180000, 0x18180000)

  to   space 8832K,   0% used [0x17040000, 0x17040000, 0x178e0000)

 tenured generation   total 177624K, used 107604K [0x1d550000, 0x282c6000, 0x32ab0000)

   the space 177624K,  60% used [0x1d550000, 0x23e65300, 0x23e65400, 0x282c6000)

 compacting perm gen  total 19712K, used 19495K [0x32ab0000, 0x33df0000, 0x36ab0000)

   the space 19712K,  98% used [0x32ab0000, 0x33db9de8, 0x33db9e00, 0x33df0000)

    ro space 10240K,  42% used [0x36ab0000, 0x36eee580, 0x36eee600, 0x374b0000)

    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x374b0000, 0x37b2f128, 0x37b2f200, 0x380b0000)

Event: 156.557 GC heap after

Heap after GC invocations=166 (full 22):

 def new generation   total 80064K, used 2125K [0x12ab0000, 0x18180000, 0x1d550000)

  eden space 71232K,   0% used [0x12ab0000, 0x12ab0000, 0x17040000)

  from space 8832K,  24% used [0x17040000, 0x17253430, 0x178e0000)

  to   space 8832K,   0% used [0x178e0000, 0x178e0000, 0x18180000)

 tenured generation   total 177624K, used 111834K [0x1d550000, 0x282c6000, 0x32ab0000)

   the space 177624K,  62% used [0x1d550000, 0x24286828, 0x24286a00, 0x282c6000)

 compacting perm gen  total 19712K, used 19495K [0x32ab0000, 0x33df0000, 0x36ab0000)

   the space 19712K,  98% used [0x32ab0000, 0x33db9de8, 0x33db9e00, 0x33df0000)

    ro space 10240K,  42% used [0x36ab0000, 0x36eee580, 0x36eee600, 0x374b0000)

    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x374b0000, 0x37b2f128, 0x37b2f200, 0x380b0000)


Event: 162.457 GC heap before

{Heap before GC invocations=166 (full 22):

 def new generation   total 80064K, used 73353K [0x12ab0000, 0x18180000, 0x1d550000)

  eden space 71232K,  99% used [0x12ab0000, 0x1703f340, 0x17040000)

  from space 8832K,  24% used [0x17040000, 0x17253430, 0x178e0000)

  to   space 8832K,   0% used [0x178e0000, 0x178e0000, 0x18180000)

 tenured generation   total 177624K, used 111834K [0x1d550000, 0x282c6000, 0x32ab0000)

   the space 177624K,  62% used [0x1d550000, 0x24286828, 0x24286a00, 0x282c6000)

 compacting perm gen  total 19712K, used 19499K [0x32ab0000, 0x33df0000, 0x36ab0000)

   the space 19712K,  98% used [0x32ab0000, 0x33dbac48, 0x33dbae00, 0x33df0000)

    ro space 10240K,  42% used [0x36ab0000, 0x36eee580, 0x36eee600, 0x374b0000)

    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x374b0000, 0x37b2f128, 0x37b2f200, 0x380b0000)

Event: 162.483 GC heap after

Heap after GC invocations=167 (full 22):

 def new generation   total 80064K, used 3711K [0x12ab0000, 0x18180000, 0x1d550000)

  eden space 71232K,   0% used [0x12ab0000, 0x12ab0000, 0x17040000)

  from space 8832K,  42% used [0x178e0000, 0x17c7fea8, 0x18180000)

  to   space 8832K,   0% used [0x17040000, 0x17040000, 0x178e0000)

 tenured generation   total 177624K, used 111834K [0x1d550000, 0x282c6000, 0x32ab0000)

   the space 177624K,  62% used [0x1d550000, 0x24286828, 0x24286a00, 0x282c6000)

 compacting perm gen  total 19712K, used 19499K [0x32ab0000, 0x33df0000, 0x36ab0000)

   the space 19712K,  98% used [0x32ab0000, 0x33dbac48, 0x33dbae00, 0x33df0000)

    ro space 10240K,  42% used [0x36ab0000, 0x36eee580, 0x36eee600, 0x374b0000)

    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x374b0000, 0x37b2f128, 0x37b2f200, 0x380b0000)


Event: 171.615 GC heap before

{Heap before GC invocations=167 (full 22):

 def new generation   total 80064K, used 74943K [0x12ab0000, 0x18180000, 0x1d550000)

  eden space 71232K, 100% used [0x12ab0000, 0x17040000, 0x17040000)

  from space 8832K,  42% used [0x178e0000, 0x17c7fea8, 0x18180000)

  to   space 8832K,   0% used [0x17040000, 0x17040000, 0x178e0000)

 tenured generation   total 177624K, used 111834K [0x1d550000, 0x282c6000, 0x32ab0000)

   the space 177624K,  62% used [0x1d550000, 0x24286828, 0x24286a00, 0x282c6000)

 compacting perm gen  total 19712K, used 19512K [0x32ab0000, 0x33df0000, 0x36ab0000)

   the space 19712K,  98% used [0x32ab0000, 0x33dbe120, 0x33dbe200, 0x33df0000)

    ro space 10240K,  42% used [0x36ab0000, 0x36eee580, 0x36eee600, 0x374b0000)

    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x374b0000, 0x37b2f128, 0x37b2f200, 0x380b0000)

Event: 171.652 GC heap after

Heap after GC invocations=168 (full 22):

 def new generation   total 80064K, used 4570K [0x12ab0000, 0x18180000, 0x1d550000)

  eden space 71232K,   0% used [0x12ab0000, 0x12ab0000, 0x17040000)

  from space 8832K,  51% used [0x17040000, 0x174b6840, 0x178e0000)

  to   space 8832K,   0% used [0x178e0000, 0x178e0000, 0x18180000)

 tenured generation   total 177624K, used 111834K [0x1d550000, 0x282c6000, 0x32ab0000)

   the space 177624K,  62% used [0x1d550000, 0x24286828, 0x24286a00, 0x282c6000)

 compacting perm gen  total 19712K, used 19512K [0x32ab0000, 0x33df0000, 0x36ab0000)

   the space 19712K,  98% used [0x32ab0000, 0x33dbe120, 0x33dbe200, 0x33df0000)

    ro space 10240K,  42% used [0x36ab0000, 0x36eee580, 0x36eee600, 0x374b0000)

    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x374b0000, 0x37b2f128, 0x37b2f200, 0x380b0000)


Deoptimization events (0 events):

No events

Internal exceptions (10 events):

Event: 174.985 Thread 0x0815d400 Threw 0x135b3df8 at C:\jdk7u5_32P\jdk7u5\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:2888

Event: 174.985 Thread 0x0815d400 Threw 0x135b3f78 at C:\jdk7u5_32P\jdk7u5\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:2888

Event: 175.088 Thread 0x0815d400 Threw 0x135b40f8 at C:\jdk7u5_32P\jdk7u5\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:2888

Event: 175.088 Thread 0x0815d400 Threw 0x135b4bd0 at C:\jdk7u5_32P\jdk7u5\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:2888

Event: 175.088 Thread 0x0815d400 Threw 0x135b4d30 at C:\jdk7u5_32P\jdk7u5\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:2888

Event: 175.088 Thread 0x0815d400 Threw 0x135b4e90 at C:\jdk7u5_32P\jdk7u5\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:2888

Event: 175.125 Thread 0x0815d400 Threw 0x135b5168 at C:\jdk7u5_32P\jdk7u5\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:2888

Event: 175.205 Thread 0x0815d400 Threw 0x135b52e8 at C:\jdk7u5_32P\jdk7u5\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:2888

Event: 175.249 Thread 0x0815d400 Threw 0x135b5468 at C:\jdk7u5_32P\jdk7u5\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:2888

Event: 175.249 Thread 0x0815d400 Threw 0x135b55e8 at C:\jdk7u5_32P\jdk7u5\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:2888

Events (10 events):

Event: 169.739 Thread 0x0821e400 Thread added: 0x0821e400

Event: 169.787 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias

Event: 169.852 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done

Event: 169.852 Thread 0x0821e400 Thread exited: 0x0821e400

Event: 171.615 Executing VM operation: GenCollectForAllocation

Event: 171.652 Executing VM operation: GenCollectForAllocation done

Event: 174.718 Thread 0x0eb86400 Thread added: 0x0eb86400

Event: 174.792 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias

Event: 174.792 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done

Event: 174.792 Thread 0x0eb86400 Thread exited: 0x0eb86400

Dynamic libraries:

0x00400000 - 0x0042f000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe

0x7c900000 - 0x7c9b2000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll

0x7c800000 - 0x7c8f6000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

0x77dd0000 - 0x77e6b000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll

0x77e70000 - 0x77f03000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll

0x77fe0000 - 0x77ff1000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll

0x7e410000 - 0x7e4a1000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll

0x77f10000 - 0x77f59000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll

0x773d0000 - 0x774d3000 	C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.6028_x-ww_61e65202\COMCTL32.dll

0x77c10000 - 0x77c68000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll

0x77f60000 - 0x77fd6000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll

0x76390000 - 0x763ad000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL

0x78aa0000 - 0x78b5e000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\msvcr100.dll

0x6d880000 - 0x6dbca000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\client\jvm.dll

0x71ad0000 - 0x71ad9000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll

0x71ab0000 - 0x71ac7000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll

0x71aa0000 - 0x71aa8000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll

0x76b40000 - 0x76b6d000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll

0x76bf0000 - 0x76bfb000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL

0x6d6c0000 - 0x6d6f5000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\splashscreen.dll

0x5ad70000 - 0x5ada8000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll

0x6d810000 - 0x6d81c000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\verify.dll

0x6d2f0000 - 0x6d310000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.dll

0x74720000 - 0x7476c000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll

0x10000000 - 0x10008000 	c:\PROGRA~1\mcafee\SITEAD~1\saHook.dll

0x774e0000 - 0x7761e000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll

0x77120000 - 0x771ab000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll

0x77b40000 - 0x77b62000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll

0x755c0000 - 0x755ee000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime

0x605d0000 - 0x605d9000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\mslbui.dll

0x6d860000 - 0x6d873000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\zip.dll

0x6d000000 - 0x6d142000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\awt.dll

0x4fdd0000 - 0x4ff76000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll

0x00d00000 - 0x00d06000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d8thk.dll

0x77c00000 - 0x77c08000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll

0x7c9c0000 - 0x7d1d7000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll

0x6d570000 - 0x6d57a000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\management.dll

0x6d240000 - 0x6d26a000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\fontmanager.dll

0x6d610000 - 0x6d624000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\net.dll

0x6d630000 - 0x6d63f000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\nio.dll

0x6d7b0000 - 0x6d7e1000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\t2k.dll

0x71a50000 - 0x71a8f000 	C:\WINDOWS\System32\mswsock.dll

0x76f20000 - 0x76f47000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DNSAPI.dll

0x76d60000 - 0x76d79000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\iphlpapi.dll

0x76fb0000 - 0x76fb8000 	C:\WINDOWS\System32\winrnr.dll

0x76f60000 - 0x76f8c000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll

0x00c80000 - 0x00ca5000 	C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll

0x76fc0000 - 0x76fc6000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasadhlp.dll

0x662b0000 - 0x66308000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll

0x71a90000 - 0x71a98000 	C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshtcpip.dll

0x68000000 - 0x68036000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll

0x769c0000 - 0x76a74000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\USERENV.dll

0x5b860000 - 0x5b8b5000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll

0x6d780000 - 0x6d7a0000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\sunec.dll

0x76fd0000 - 0x7704f000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL

0x77050000 - 0x77115000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll

0x6d180000 - 0x6d1a4000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\dcpr.dll

0x6d420000 - 0x6d445000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\jpeg.dll

0x77920000 - 0x77a13000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.dll

0x69b10000 - 0x69c5d000 	c:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml4.dll

0x6d7a0000 - 0x6d7a9000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\sunmscapi.dll

0x77a80000 - 0x77b15000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll

0x77b20000 - 0x77b32000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll

0x092d0000 - 0x0933b000 	C:\Documents and Settings\Valued Dell User\Application Data\.techniclauncher\tekkit\bin\natives\lwjgl.dll

0x5ed00000 - 0x5edcc000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\OPENGL32.dll

0x68b20000 - 0x68b40000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\GLU32.dll

0x73760000 - 0x737ab000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DDRAW.dll

0x73bc0000 - 0x73bc6000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll

0x6d320000 - 0x6d326000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\jawt.dll

0x69000000 - 0x69658000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\atioglxx.dll

0x73f10000 - 0x73f6c000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll

0x76c30000 - 0x76c5e000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll

0x76c90000 - 0x76cb8000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.dll

0x72d20000 - 0x72d29000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv

0x72d10000 - 0x72d18000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv

0x77be0000 - 0x77bf5000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll

0x77bd0000 - 0x77bd7000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll

0x73ee0000 - 0x73ee4000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\KsUser.dll

0x09340000 - 0x09353000 	C:\Documents and Settings\Valued Dell User\Application Data\.techniclauncher\tekkit\bin\natives\jinput-dx8.dll

0x6ce10000 - 0x6ce48000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DINPUT8.dll

0x688f0000 - 0x688f9000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\HID.DLL

0x09360000 - 0x09372000 	C:\Documents and Settings\Valued Dell User\Application Data\.techniclauncher\tekkit\bin\natives\jinput-raw.dll

0x0fbb0000 - 0x0fcd9000 	C:\Documents and Settings\Valued Dell User\Application Data\.techniclauncher\tekkit\bin\natives\OpenAL32.dll

0x0fb90000 - 0x0fba3000 	C:\Program Files\Dell\QuickSet\dadkeyb.dll

0x59a60000 - 0x59b01000 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\dbghelp.dll

VM Arguments:

jvm_args: -Xmx512m 

java_command: C:/Documents and Settings/Valued Dell User/Application Data/.techniclauncher/technic-launcher.jar

Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD

Environment Variables:

CLASSPATH=.;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip

PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\SONICS~1\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adaptec Shared\System;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\9.0\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\

USERNAME=Valued Dell User


PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 13 Stepping 8, GenuineIntel

---------------  S Y S T E M  ---------------

OS: Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3

CPU:total 1 (1 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 13 stepping 8, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, tsc

Memory: 4k page, physical 1572220k(537660k free), swap 2204936k(915304k free)

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