Well The best I can describe it is in the Dev build or 7.10 aka 1.2.5 technic version I was mainly playing technicSSP on a normal map the next thing I know O get a "saving chunks" error and crashes, I start up technic launcher with 1.2.5 dev build and it loads properly and with the "Mojang" sign and after some time (in seconds) it instantly crashes. I've tried reinstalling it doesn't fix the problem. And I don't know if it is my java type or some of the mods causing it to crash on loading screen. (The error log is the best I could find and get.)
Error Messages:
Error Log:
42 mods loaded
Minecraft Forge
FML v2.2.48.135
Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5
mod_CodeChickenCore : Initialized (CodeChickenCore-Client 0.5.3.zip)
mod_MinecraftForge : Initialized (modpack.jar)
mod_NotEnoughItems : Initialized (modpack.jar)
mod_Somnia : Initialized (modpack.jar)
mod_Somnia : Initialized ([1.2.5] Somnia v24.zip)
mod_ReiMinimap : Initialized ([1.2.5]ReiMinimap_v3.2_03.zip)
mod_IC2 : Initialized (industrialcraft-2-client_1.97.jar)
mod_IC2AdvancedMachines : Initialized (AdvancedMachines_4.1_client.zip)
mod_AdditionalBuildcraftObjects : Initialized (buildcraft-C-additionalbuildcraftobjects-latest.zip)
mod_BuildCraftCore : Initialized (buildcraft-client-A-core-3.1.5.zip)
mod_BuildCraftBuilders : Initialized (buildcraft-client-B-builders-3.1.5.zip)
mod_BuildCraftEnergy : Initialized (buildcraft-client-B-energy-3.1.5.zip)
mod_BuildCraftFactory : Initialized (buildcraft-client-B-factory-3.1.5.zip)
mod_BuildCraftTransport : Initialized (buildcraft-client-B-transport-3.1.5.zip)
mod_BuildCraftSilicon : Initialized (buildcraft-client-C-silicon-3.1.5.zip)
mod_AdditionalPipes : Initialized (buildcraft-client-DA-additionalpipes-3.1.0.zip)
mod_crystalWing : Initialized (Crystal Wing 1.2.5.a.zip)
mod_mocreatures : Pre-initialized (DrZharks MoCreatures Mod v3.6.2.zip)
mod_EnderStorage : Pre-initialized (EnderStorage-Client 1.1.3.zip)
mod_IC2NuclearControl : Pre-initialized (IC2NuclearControl_client_v1.1.9b.zip)
mod_ImmibisCore : Pre-initialized (immibis-core_49.0.7_for_1.2.5-client.jar)
mod_InvTweaks : Pre-initialized (InvTweaks-1.41b-1.2.4.zip)
mod_LogisticsPipes : Pre-initialized (LogisticsPipes-BC3-0.2.5B.zip)
mod_MAtmos_forModLoader : Pre-initialized (MAtmos_packaged.zip)
mod_CompactSolars : Pre-initialized (mod_compactsolars-client-
mod_IronChest : Pre-initialized (mod_ironchests-client-
mod_RedPowerCore : Pre-initialized (RedPowerCore-2.0pr5b2.zip)
mod_NetherOres : Pre-initialized (NetherOres_Client_1.2.1.zip)
mod_Railcraft : Pre-initialized (Railcraft_Client_5.3.2.zip)
mod_RedPowerControl : Pre-initialized (RedPowerControl-2.0pr5b2.zip)
mod_RedPowerLighting : Pre-initialized (RedPowerLighting-2.0pr5b2.zip)
mod_RedPowerLogic : Pre-initialized (RedPowerLogic-2.0pr5b2.zip)
mod_RedPowerMachine : Pre-initialized (RedPowerMachine-2.0pr5b2.zip)
mod_RedPowerWiring : Pre-initialized (RedPowerWiring-2.0pr5b2.zip)
mod_RedPowerWorld : Pre-initialized (RedPowerWorld-2.0pr5b2.zip)
mod_treecapitator : Pre-initialized (Treecapitator 1.2.5.e.zip)
mod_TubeStuff : Pre-initialized (tubestuff_49.0.7_for_1.2.5-client.jar)
Balkon's WeaponMod : Pre-initialized (WeaponMod.zip)
mod_WirelessRedstoneCore : Pre-initialized (WR-CBE Core-Client
mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons : Pre-initialized (WR-CBE Addons-Client
mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower : Pre-initialized (WR-CBE RedPower-Client
mod_ThaumCraft : Pre-initialized (ThaumCraft2.1.6c.zip)
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT b42eca48 --------
Generated 7/18/12 8:10 AM
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5
OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_29, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series version 4.0.10317 Compatibility Profile Context, ATI Technologies Inc.
at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.checkForComodification(Unknown Source)
at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.next(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1.next(Unknown Source)
at ClientRegistry.removeSpawn(ClientRegistry.java:136)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.FMLRegistry.removeSpawn(FMLRegistry.java:102)
at ModLoader.removeSpawn(ModLoader.java:621)
at mod_mocreatures.ClearVanillaSpawnLists(mod_mocreatures.java:1691)
at mod_mocreatures.updateSettings(mod_mocreatures.java:561)
at mod_mocreatures.load(mod_mocreatures.java:320)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.ModLoaderModContainer.init(ModLoaderModContainer.java:324)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.modInit(Loader.java:263)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods(Loader.java:604)
at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.onLoadComplete(FMLClientHandler.java:203)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(Minecraft.java:426)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:735)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 2de4a152 ----------
Launcher Version:
Operating System: Windows 64 bit
Java Version: Java 7 64bit
Antivirus Program: N/A
Description of Problem:
Well The best I can describe it is in the Dev build or 7.10 aka 1.2.5 technic version I was mainly playing technicSSP on a normal map the next thing I know O get a "saving chunks" error and crashes, I start up technic launcher with 1.2.5 dev build and it loads properly and with the "Mojang" sign and after some time (in seconds) it instantly crashes. I've tried reinstalling it doesn't fix the problem. And I don't know if it is my java type or some of the mods causing it to crash on loading screen. (The error log is the best I could find and get.)
Error Messages:
Error Log:
1 answer to this question
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