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OS X 10.10.2 w/ Java 8 U45 TechnicLauncher JAR Won't Install



Edit: Problem solved. See below.

As the title says, I'm trying to run the TechnicLauncher on OS X 10.10.2 (Yosemite). I've installed Java 8 U45, and I've confirmed that it is installed correctly by using the Java version checker at java.com . The behaviour I'm encountering depends on which JAR I run.

The current JAR for OS X starts the install. It presents the install dialogue box ("Jar Launcher" process is running), and I click "Install", and then it just terminates and presents a dialogue box (from a new process called "Download Java Components") saying "To view this web content, you need to install the Java Runtime Environment. Click 'More Info...' to visit the website for the Java Runtime Environment."

Well, at least that's what happened the first time. Now all I'm getting is straight-up termination of the Jar Launcher and Java processes, and straight to the Download Java Components process. In the technic application support folder, it created the assets folder (empty), the logs folder, and settings.json . (If I remove these additions, the installer dialogue will appear again the first time I try to launch TechnicLauncher.jar, but then it's back to the straight-to-failure bint.) The contents of the log (all two lines of it) is here: http://pastebin.com/dk5zakyS

The contents of the settings.json file is here: http://pastebin.com/KEpW1mCp

So, yeah. I'm stumped. It looks like Java is not initializing properly. Except it is. Except it isn't. :bang:


Problem Solved

On OS X 10.10, it's necessary to install both the JRE and JDK (Java Development Kit) before the JRE can actually be run. Otherwise the shell path isn't updated and so the TechnicLauncher's invoking of the java command fails. It'd be very, very useful if this very out-of-date FAQ were updated to reflect these requirements (as well as the update to Java 8 U45, and the fact that Java now uses a prefpane file to manage preferences, not a separate application): https://technicpack.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203276609-How-to-install-upgrade-Java

Edited by Tvol
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