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Launcher/pack Version:

Operating System:Win 7 64bit

Version of Java: 7 64bit

Description of Problem:
Okay so this is whole launcher/modpack thing is working single player no problems (except for TMI not working but that is not my problem here), when i go to play on a server the ip and what not is probably listed in the second error message it actually shows me connecting to a server, but when i play within 1-30seconds of me logging on my game freezes up, i get an error from the computer saying my display driver has crashed and it has fixed it's self. This is only happening when logging in on this server using the 3.1.1 build. Also as a side note and this might be part of the problem but NONE of my mods are loading right, when i click on the mods button in the main minecraft screen where i can click single player, multiplayer player, options, ext... it shows all the mods with no metadata or 0 child files or something like that. i was also getting an error on another server that no mods were loaded.

Link to pastebin of log:


Also due to some stupid posting restriction on the forums here i cant post in the bug section so I'm posting here. I'm sorry I hope this dont get me banned or kicked or this deleted because some help would be really nice. I have done everything i could to try and fix this, my friends are playing on the server just fine, and their mods are working just fine. It's just me, I have also narrowed down the problem to pretty much the mods that are included in this launcher.exe download
that is where i got it from i clicked the windows one and just got the launcher same way my friends did it, and they are running fine. So any help would be nice, and if you could point me to a better topic on how to fix my TMI mod than the one in the questions topic it would be nice because i tried that and my file is different and the line i need to change to fix it isn't there.

5 answers to this question

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Okay, 1 recommendation and 2 questions:

1) Update your Java. 7u2 was a somewhat early build, and 7u5 will work better.

2) What, if anything, is your AV?

3) Have you tried using the launcher .jar?

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Thank you and sorry about that but most of the time the bug report button just never gets me anywhere the forums work better because then at least i get more people from my experience.

on topic java updated nothing, tried using a friends files nothing, tried the jar/linux one im assuming you were talking about that one crashes before the other one, i have searched for my error report on my video card but I cant find it. Im running a ATI radeon hd 4850 x2 (assuming that is what you wanted when you said av). My drivers for my video card are up to date they just updated a few days ago, this I remember because when it happened it messed up my menus in skyrim.

I played on the server for a few hrs before all this started happening I was assuming it was the video card overheating but its not i have checked my temps and everything and skyrim runs hotter. I have pretty much ran outta options my friend said use the launcher file outta the teckkit folder in the roaming file but that was the last advise i have gotten from them and as of right now i have yet to try it.

Update to the problem, whatever it may be im not completely sure if its a video card error or just showing up as one but any servers running the 3.1.1 build is causing the problem. I hope in the long run this helps fix any problems with this build. I would like to be helpful in some way.

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Thank you and sorry about that but most of the time the bug report button just never gets me anywhere the forums work better because then at least i get more people from my experience.

The bug report button is just a shortcut to posting with the bug report format, which you followed anyway.

on topic java updated nothing, tried using a friends files nothing, tried the jar/linux one im assuming you were talking about that one crashes before the other one, i have searched for my error report on my video card but I cant find it. Im running a ATI radeon hd 4850 x2 (assuming that is what you wanted when you said av). My drivers for my video card are up to date they just updated a few days ago, this I remember because when it happened it messed up my menus in skyrim.

I was talking about your antivirus software, though I don't see how it would have an affect on your video card drivers. I'd try third-party drivers if your ATI drivers aren't working how you want them to.

Update to the problem, whatever it may be im not completely sure if its a video card error or just showing up as one but any servers running the 3.1.1 build is causing the problem. I hope in the long run this helps fix any problems with this build. I would like to be helpful in some way.

Have you tried wiping out .minecraft, .techniclauncher, and Java, and doing a full reinstall of everything? Sometimes there's simply a leftover file or two hanging around that shouldn't be there.

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okay thank you for all your help torezu, I know you tried and after many attempts of just random stuff I gave in a messaged AMD directly along with java to see what it may be.

Currently the only solution I know of for this problem which I will further expand on in a second. Is if your running an amd video card with cross fire enabled then it will crash your tekkit with the error saying the video card stopped responding, and has managed to recover its self. What would happen to me is my game would freeze 2-30 seconds after logging into the server and then my monitor would go black come back whole computer would be froze for about 5 seconds then the error would pop up and then i could close tekkit and continue on like normal.

I would also like to note, even though this problem started in the tekkit version 3.1.1 it was not contained to just it, after playing 3-4 days on a 3.0.4 server it started again on it, whilst still persisting even with 3.1.1, so I'm assusming this would happen with all the other versions too that are at least a tekkit 3 build, seeing how the core of the 3 build would probably be about the same.

Also during all of this my single player tekkit NEVER crashed lagged or anything due to the video card settings. Plus my regular minecraft (single and multiplayer) never had any issues.

If you could please save this topic somewhere or at least this post so others with this issues could find it and get help from it that would be great I know it sucks not being able to play a version of the game you want, it sucks more when you own a server that you cant even play on like myself.

Again thank you for all your support, and I hope this topic can help someone. Also may want to change the topic name to AMD tekkit crash or something like that so it is easier to search.

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