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[3.1.2] Mcraftworlds Tekkit Server [PVE/Skills/GP/Economy/EE Enabled/Most unbanned items!]


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If you cared so much, you would have found out who did such things and held them responsible. Instead you acted like it was just magic and no one knew who could possibly do it, even though you can check who puts what blocks at any given time. You didn't, and when I was outraged, you simply chose to throw me off. That's what happened and everything I said last night was in the logs to prove this.

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the fact of the matter is, when it came time that i was going to leave the server and some dedicated players wanted to confer with me on where to meet up, you banned me Carrot. You could not deal with the fact of that. Even CuteCaliCutie asked to give me a day. Racism is intolerable, and banning someone for being outraged is plain ridiculuous.

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My ultimate question is where is the maturity and honesty you server mods constantly espouse? An example being the drop glitch that so frequently happens on the server. People will lose everything and the response is oh well, that is your problem. How can you expect people to even donate when there is absolutely no accountability on the moderators part? I am an adult, not some child and i find it disheartening that another adult would simply be too headstrong to listen to reason. If i played black ops 2 and made a complaint to their staff, they fix the issue. Why? Cause i paid 50 - 60 dollars to play on their game. Maybe the problem is that those who do not, or can not donate, for whatever the reason, are lesser individuals in your eyes. If that is the case, whitelist the server and make it donators only. Just do not make comments of how you helped. The only help i was given was the ban hammer. Regardless, this all falls on Shy the owner.

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I can not believe it. The one thing I was hopeful about was that, rather than simply post such as that, Shy, you would read what i have typed regardless of whether it comes as a rant or not. The information i posted is all valid. I apologize for the spamming of posts. I ask that you still take the time to read them. There are many players that can corraborate what i have said. Carrot is the only one i can not provide proof of. However, i question why, the first time earlier that day, when he changed character names and then went invisible, did he not bring up the problems he saw then? He was there and both times i specifically asked him to look around. When it comes to minecraft i am a dreamer and designer. This will be my last post on the forum until you, Shy, have responded and read what i have to say. The sad part is that i really do love your server. It is a gem, but these things make the experience shatter and hard to recover from. That is all i have to say.

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Yep this server is a fail server with a fail OWNER lol... you say contact you and when I do, I get who? Oh that's right CARROT, the very same one that griefed in the first place. As opposed to this measure going directly to the top, ie, YOURSELF, you once again fail in your obligations and duties as a server owner. Fairness, kindness, anti-griefing, how many malign, wrongful statements does your site actually put out? It's entirely plausible that this structure of heirarchy is actually fixed and completely biased toward those who happen to have a little 'friendship' with the higher up in ranks. PATHETIC, and shy you are to take all the fault for this. What I'm going to do is simple. Each day someone will come to your server, and each day your server will have less and less people until all that remains is your tight nit group and the worse of the bunch. This is not a threat but a reality, you will face. When your server is eclipsed, and it will be, I will make public what I have done, and in the very end, make sure the accountability that should have come, does come. Your failure to act with the diligence you espouse and claim to have, leaves me no choice but to act in a more effective manner. The resolve will be swift, and the problems for those who suffer under your lack of oversight, settled. This, I promise, Shy. Have a wonderful night, and don't bother posting server maintainance and such, I'll be spreading the word against your server and it's lies.

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Oh and one thing I forgot to mention. The way I will do it, is by making sure each person I bring over, has a piece of their own personal heaven. Something you can not appreciate. :) Kindness and compassion will win in the end. Complain away of my double posts, ignore my posts to your site, delete them, but the silence will never come. This is it. :)

-- Denounced,

Denouncing the ways of imcompetence, in ways one can only dream.

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fucking funny. Weak as forum moderator gives me a warning and claims my posts are not justified? Try reading them before you hand out warnings like a retarded crossing guard. Obviously, you do not give a shit about racism, but do not waste my time with warnings and account tampering just to get a sense of power. Then again i am probably dealing with a 15 year old moderator that knows shit all about freedom of expression or evidence. I am glad i make the blood boil and you dejected fools annoyed. It annoys me how much stupidity can be exposed in a single moment. Complain away, ban me from the forums, but do not try to test my resolve, racism is unacceptable, and if any of you fools read what i typed, you would find the reasoning there. I already found a better place regardless. So cry me a river.

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