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Title: Conflicting ID's

Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4

OS: iMac got it 7 months ago running lion

Java Version: Latest Java

Description of Problem:

Conflicting block ids when trying to start computer, shows up with my other mac(2009 macbook pro) only erased Netherores.jar

Error Messages:

Error Log:

Last login: Tue Jul 24 20:36:14 on ttys001

Jeffs-iMac:~ jeffdtome$ /Users/jeffdtome/Desktop/Tekkit_Server_3/start_server.command ; exit;

182 recipes

27 achievements

20:36:37 [iNFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.2.5

20:36:37 [iNFO] Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization

20:36:37 [iNFO] Completed early MinecraftForge initialization

20:36:37 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5 loading

20:36:37 [iNFO] Loading mods from /Users/jeffdtome/Desktop/Tekkit_Server_3/mods

20:36:37 [iNFO] Directory weaponmod contained no mods

20:36:37 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has loaded 35 mods

20:36:37 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.3.8.152 Initialized

20:36:37 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.3.8.152 Initialized

20:36:37 [iNFO] [WeaponMod] Properties file read succesfully!

20:36:37 [WARNING] Configuration for mod_ComputerCraft.enableAPI_http found value 0 outside acceptable range 4.9E-324,1.7976931348623157E308

20:36:37 [iNFO] Loading ComputerCraft: To change block IDs, modify config/mod_ComputerCraft.cfg

20:36:37 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: computerBlockID 207

20:36:37 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: diskDriveBlockID 208

20:36:37 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: diskItemID 4000

20:36:37 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -49 item slot already occupied by dan200.computer.shared.ItemComputer@16a9255c while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@3ad3c6a3

20:36:37 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: Searching for RedPowerLib...

20:36:37 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: RedPowerLib and methods located.

20:36:37 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -48 item slot already occupied by dan200.computer.shared.ItemPeripheral@224c47db while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@3e018c74

20:36:37 [iNFO] Initializing alchemy values for Equivalent Exchange..

20:36:38 [iNFO] Loading properties

20:36:38 [WARNING] server.properties does not exist

20:36:38 [iNFO] Generating new properties file

20:36:38 [iNFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565

20:36:38 [iNFO] Loaded codechicken.wirelessredstone.core.CommandFreq

20:36:38 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -78 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@2bbe2893 while adding codechicken.enderstorage.ItemEnderChest@5159e154

20:36:38 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -204 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.server.ItemWithAuxData@361cb7a1 while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemMobSpawner@175bc6c8

20:36:38 [iNFO] [iC2] Config loaded from /Users/jeffdtome/Desktop/Tekkit_Server_3/./config/IC2.cfg

20:36:38 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -37 item slot already occupied by ic2.platform.ItemBlockCommon@4c6504bc while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@7c19f9d2

20:36:38 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -30 item slot already occupied by ic2.platform.ItemBlockCommon@d6089a5 while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@3cecb67f

20:36:38 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -17 item slot already occupied by ic2.platform.ItemBlockCommon@44c6f734 while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@628f9a32

20:36:38 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -19 item slot already occupied by ic2.platform.ItemBlockCommon@41d47b2b while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@64e265d0

20:36:38 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -20 item slot already occupied by ic2.platform.ItemBlockCommon@4b8a6e6e while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@6d581e80

20:36:38 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -18 item slot already occupied by ic2.platform.ItemBlockCommon@343a9d95 while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@743fbbfc

20:36:39 [iNFO] RedPowerCore: MinecraftForge minor version mismatch, expecting 3.1.x, may lead to unexpected behavior

20:36:39 [iNFO] Starting BuildCraft 2.2.14

20:36:39 [iNFO] Copyright © SpaceToad, 2011

20:36:39 [iNFO] http://www.mod-buildcraft.com

20:36:39 [iNFO] CompactSolars: MinecraftForge minor version mismatch, expecting 3.2.x, may lead to unexpected behavior

20:36:39 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: turtleBlockID 216

20:36:39 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -40 item slot already occupied by dan200.turtle.shared.ItemTurtle@1edfbb43 while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@727f3b8a

20:36:39 [iNFO] [iC2] Loading IC2 submodule: bcIntegration22x

20:36:39 [iNFO] [iC2] BuildCraft integration module loaded

20:36:39 [iNFO] [iC2] Loaded minor compatibility modules: none

20:36:39 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader load complete, 35 mods loaded

20:36:39 [iNFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-jenkins-CraftBukkit-162 (MC: 1.2.5) (Implementing API version 1.2.5-R4.1-MCPC-SNAPSHOT)

20:36:39 [WARNING] Failed to load ban list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: banned-players.txt (No such file or directory)

20:36:39 [WARNING] Failed to load ip ban list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: banned-ips.txt (No such file or directory)

20:36:39 [WARNING] Failed to load operators list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ops.txt (No such file or directory)

20:36:39 [WARNING] Failed to load white-list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: white-list.txt (No such file or directory)

20:36:39 [iNFO] Preparing level "world"

20:36:39 [iNFO] Default game type: 0

20:36:39 [iNFO] Unable to find spawn biome

20:36:40 [iNFO] Placed stronghold in INVALID biome at (30, -63)

20:36:40 [WARNING] Could not get information about this CraftBukkit version; perhaps you are running a custom one?: FileNotFoundException

20:36:41 [iNFO] Registering world world, dimension 0, of providertype net.minecraft.server.WorldProviderNormal@318c69a9(0) with Minecraft Forge

20:36:41 [iNFO] Registering world world_the_end, dimension 1, of providertype net.minecraft.server.WorldProviderTheEnd@7dc8f91e(0) with Minecraft Forge

20:36:42 [iNFO] Registering world world_nether, dimension -1, of providertype net.minecraft.server.WorldProviderHell@5114ef62(0) with Minecraft Forge

20:36:42 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 5100527612869344221)

20:36:43 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 16%

20:36:44 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 32%

20:36:45 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 44%

20:36:46 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 61%

20:36:47 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 73%

20:36:48 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 85%

20:36:49 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 97%

20:36:49 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 5100527612869344221)

20:36:50 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 40%

20:36:51 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 81%

20:36:51 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 5100527612869344221)

20:36:52 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 12%

20:36:53 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 36%

20:36:54 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 60%

20:36:55 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 77%

20:36:56 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 93%

20:36:56 [iNFO] Done (17.084s)! For help, type "help" or "?"

20:36:57 [iNFO] [Railcraft] Loaded 0 saved Anchors

20:36:59 [iNFO] Creating Railcraft Save File

2 answers to this question

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  • 0

Bumping this post, as I am also experiencing this same error, I was forced to backdate to 3.0.4 until a public fix has been released.(On linux machines it prevents the server from starting.

  • 0

no this log appears to start fine, it looks like this on my windows computers.

but my server running linux gets another kind of error about conflicting ID's and crashes.

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