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return(?) of power teleport pipe issues, distance-dependent behavior



Title: return(?) of power teleport pipe issues, distance-dependent behavior

Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4

OS: OSX 10.7.4

Java Version: 1.6.0_33

Description of Problem:

The problem appears to have been briefly fixed but is back with the latest recommended version (as of yesterday night @ 2200 CST) and persists in 3.1.1 also. Same conditions as is the plethora of previous "power teleport pipe broken" threads, with 1 new characteristic: the detection of the correct number of connected pipes on a given frequency and the successful transmission of power now both appear to fall off sharply but not regularly or predictably when the source and target are more than 13 chunks away (straight-line), and there is a distinct "jumper" effect attainable by adding a lone teleport pipe block midway between source and a non-functioning target situated just beyond the 12-chunk-distant mark. Reproducer is:

in source chunk:

coal-driven generator

fibre cable

energy link

conductive wood

power teleport on frequency A, receive=no

In each target chunk from same-as-source to 16 chunks out on any gridline:

power teleport on frequency A, receive=yes

gold conductive


Turn one quarry's pipe's "receive" setting on, then off, at successively increasing distances from the source, and the first failure usually occurs at a 13-chunk distance from the source. Leaving them all on fails when and as expected/documented.

Do the same at successively decreasing distances, and the first success will usually occur at a 12-chunk distance from the source. There does not appear to be a significant difference if there are too many pipes already configured on frequency A, so long as they are all more than 13 chunks from the source.

Failure to receive power and failure to accurately track the number of connections on frequency A always occur together. Detected connections in failure cases is usually 1 less than the number of connections within a 12-chunk distance from the failing pipe, unless there is at least one more pipe in the same chunk, in which case the detected connections is usually the number of receiving pipes in the current chunk only.

Assuming there are available connections, the closest 3 to 4 failing pipes can be made to reliably succeed by placing a single, iosolated power teleport pipe roughly 8 to 10 chunks away from the source and toward the failing pipes. This isolated pipe does not have to be connected to anything else and must be initially set to frequency A and receive=yes. After this is done and failure cases around the 13- to 16-chunk distances start working, the isolated pipe can be repeatedly removed and returned to switch between failure and success. It does not appear to be necessary to set receive=yes after the initial placement and removal, so long as neither the source nor any other successfully receiving pipes are changed.

Error Messages:


Error Log:

not applicable

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