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Server Crash


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My friend and I get kicked off of our multiplayer world with the message, "A fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated." We've tried things like updating our chickencore, removing certain mods, etc.
I attached the crash logs for the world, if anyone can maybe help us figure out what's crashing us.


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Your modpack.zip should have 3 main directories to start with (in the root folder of the archive, not with a "ruko-land" subirectory), those are bin, mods and config. Get all that junk out of there. Ask me about any additional file you want to include.

Bin directory should include the universal MinecraftForge jar renamed to modpack.jar (only one file in most packs), mods directory should include mods (jar files), and the config directory should contain your config files. You can grab mods and config from that zip you uploaded and add the bin directory with the appropriate forge jar from here (use the "show all downloads" button and grab the needed version of the universal jar). The bin directory in your zip is good but very bloated, you need modpack.jar only.

Including options.txt in there is not a good idea because any settings users will change in their modpack will get lost when updating.

Including servers.dat in there is not a good idea because any servers users will add in their modpack will get lost when updating.

TL;DR drop that subdirectory and all the junk

Edit: I almost forgot. Upload the server package also to verify your problems with joining the game. Right now it's not added to the modpack page.

Edited by bochen415
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Already based on what you said, I fixed up our modpack folders accordingly, and obtained the proper forge jar as well as removing the server.dat and options.txt I see what you mean this modpack folder is a complete mess. I've just finished uploading the server package, which includes the worlds we use so that you may have a better chance in locating the issue. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wvmy78ty6ucktqb/server.zip?dl=0



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Yeah, I figured as much even when increasing the ram setting the problem still persisted, after a while of playing the following things sometimes happen, if someone leaves the server the other player's game closes completely no error, if someone joins while there's another player on the server, fatal error happens for both members. Do I need to increase ram usage more or is this a different problem that we're over looking?


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uh. that's going to need more effort than me trying to boot it locally

Does an obvious fix like "update ChaosCraft" make any changes?

Edit: Does the same thing happen when you run the server on a different pc/host?

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I'm puzzled. I'm starting to think it's ChaosCraft bugging.

Your last resort is a binary search, remove half of your mods and check if the problem persists. If it happens again, remove another half.

Edit: ofc do it on a test machine, start with chaoscraft

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