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it downloads and it fails at a random place!



Launcher Version:

Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit

Java Version: latest

Antivirus Program: AVG but it was deactivated when i use launcher

Description of Problem:

I keep trying to launch tekkit, and it goes... then fails at a random place. the longest it has made it is lwjgl %13

Error Messages:

Download Failed

Error Log:

[23:04:37] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------

[23:04:37] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....

[23:04:37] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''

[23:04:37] [sEVERE] Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM

[23:04:37] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.7.0_01-b08'

[23:04:37] [sEVERE] OS Version: '6.1'

[23:04:37] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'true'

[23:04:38] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[23:04:38] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[23:04:38] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file3574634947843590503.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[23:04:38] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[23:04:38] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\modpack.yml' has md5 of '1bc66f834603bcbf219512e29b171c67' instead of '1768fd9787fc2a680dac81c6eb3a256b'

[23:04:38] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/modpack.yml'.

[23:04:39] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[23:04:42] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[23:04:45] [sEVERE] Downloaded 'minecraft.jar' matches MD5 of version '1.3.1'.

[23:04:45] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/Patches/Minecraft/minecraft_1.3.1-1.2.5.patch', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[23:04:47] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file7872475560644571978.tmp to: \temp\mc.patch

[23:04:47] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \temp\mc.patch

[23:04:47] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/jinput.jar', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[23:04:47] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file1038899237044883817.tmp to: \tekkit\bin\jinput.jar

[23:04:47] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \tekkit\bin\jinput.jar

[23:04:47] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/lwjgl.jar', with 3 trie(s) remaining

4 answers to this question

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AVG in particular will interfere with the launcher even if it's turned off. Kill the thing entirely. Also, stop triple-posting. 20 minutes is not nearly long enough to expect an answer for something you could have found for yourself in 2 by looking at the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS thread.

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actually i found a solution to the problem by restarting the process 3 or 4 times. so don't tell me that all i had to do was search for the answer. it just took a little too much memory

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