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Region File corruption



Hello everyone

First time on these forums for me :)

I think one of my region files has become corrupt. What happened is I'v been running a server on my machine for the past few days (about 15 or so hours) and everything has been well. Today is started to lag slightly, so I disconnected and reconnected. When I reconnected it only loaded a area about 20 x 40 blocks, and thinking is was a world hole I walked into the unloaded area. It wasn't a world hole, the whole of the world was missing, so I fell inot the space under bedrock, but I didn't die. I then disconnected and tried to reconnect, but not it says the server isn't reachable.

By trial and error with the server files I've pin pointed it to be one of the region files causing this, but the problem is it's the region files for all of my buildings, machines, my friends farm, ect.

Is there anyway to fix this?

Thanks :)

(sorry if this is the wrong part of the forum, but I did have a search and couldn't find any other related thread)

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