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Game window opens and whitescreens after logging in



Launcher Version:

Operating System: Ubuntu 12.04 64bit

Java Version: 1.7_05

Antivirus Program:

Description of Problem:

When I sign in to the Technic Launcher and select my mod of choice (usually Tekkit, but bug was present for others as well), I click "Log in". Immediately a new window appears with the title "Tekkit" (or whatever modpack I am using), and the launcher window disappears after a few seconds. However, the game window stays white, and never reaches the Mojang screen. I have tried redownloading the Technic launcher and clearing the cache from the launcher (therefore redownloading mod files). I also tried using Oracle Java 7 rather than OpenJDK (default for Ubuntu), but there was no effect. I don't have this problem on my mac, which is also running this version of the Technic launcher.

Error Messages:

Error Log:

[17:10:16] [sEVERE]	Launcher is starting....

[17:10:16] [sEVERE]	Launcher Build: ''

[17:10:16] [sEVERE]	Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM

[17:10:16] [sEVERE]	Java VM: '1.7.0_05-b06'

[17:10:16] [sEVERE]	OS Version: '3.2.0-27-generic'

[17:10:16] [sEVERE]	Is 64-bit: 'true'

[17:10:17] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[17:10:17] [sEVERE]	Starting download of 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[17:10:18] [sEVERE]	Copying: /temp/file5474602667563184545.tmp to: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[17:10:18] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[17:10:20] [sEVERE]	[MD5 Mismatch] File '/launcher/tekkit/modpack.yml' has md5 of '46a0900a4753fad02650edb182ed5670' instead of '032eedc7183acde5b75cd13f9ff2e324'

[17:10:20] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/modpack.yml'.

[17:10:22] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from ''.

[17:10:50] [sEVERE]	Loading Launcher from 'techniclauncher/tekkit'

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]	Exception in thread "Minecraft main thread" 

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]	java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tekkit/bin/natives/liblwjgl.so: /tekkit/bin/natives/liblwjgl.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 (Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(Unknown Source)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.Runtime.load0(Unknown Source)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.System.load(Unknown Source)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at org.lwjgl.Sys$1.run(Sys.java:69)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at org.lwjgl.Sys.doLoadLibrary(Sys.java:65)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at org.lwjgl.Sys.loadLibrary(Sys.java:81)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at org.lwjgl.Sys.<clinit>(Sys.java:98)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.<clinit>(Display.java:132)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(Minecraft.java:330)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:738)

[17:10:58] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

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6 answers to this question

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Fixed by manually downloading the latest LWJGL libraries from their website, and replacing the LWJGL files in tekkit/bin and tekkit/bin/natives.

I have tried that and i continue to get a white screen, followed by technic launcher closing after login.

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I have tried that and i continue to get a white screen, followed by technic launcher closing after login.

If you don't have Java 7 (or 1.7, they're the same), then install it. If you're replying to this thread, I'm assuming you're running Ubuntu too, so make sure you install openjdk-7-jre using the terminal (apt-get), synaptic or the software centre. If you don't know how to do this, google it up and you'll find something.

If you do have Java 7, try clearing the cache from the launcher options window. You will need to replace your LWJGL libraries again after this. Make sure you replace all the necessary files, see http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Tutorials/Update_LWJGL for detailed instructions that I used.

Failing this, try renaming the tekkit folder in ~/.techniclauncher so it gets replaced entirely, and repeat LWJGL replacement.

Good luck!

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I get to this: 100% extracted 'z-tekkit-keybinds-v3.1.2.zip and then stops there for about 5 seconds and then it white screens and closes.

Any help?

That sounds like a different issue; with the launcher not Tekkit itself. I can only recommend searching these forums for someone else with the same problem. Find the logs folder in your techniclauncher folder and open the file with _0 at the end. At the bottom (it's often a pretty massive file) should be your most recent launch, you can see by timestamp. Look for any errors, and maybe post as a bug report with the log file (you only need the part after the last "---------" in the file).

You could also PM me the last part of the log file and I'll try and pinpoint the problem.

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That sounds like a different issue; with the launcher not Tekkit itself. I can only recommend searching these forums for someone else with the same problem. Find the logs folder in your techniclauncher folder and open the file with _0 at the end. At the bottom (it's often a pretty massive file) should be your most recent launch, you can see by timestamp. Look for any errors, and maybe post as a bug report with the log file (you only need the part after the last "---------" in the file).

You could also PM me the last part of the log file and I'll try and pinpoint the problem.

I sent you a pm!

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