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Need some Help with 1.7.2 pack


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Hello all, looking for some help with the mod pack my wife and I are setting up. This is going to be a long list of what I have done, what is in the pack and what is going wrong. TL;DR - Mods work when I test it with all the mods loaded on my own rig, but there is some kind of disconnect when I upload the file to drop box and then download it to the technic client.


Long Version

So a few days ago my wife got tired of the normal mod packs we used to play so she asked me to set up a pack for us to enjoy and then later open up for public use. Its mainly decoration mods like Decocraft mixed with some tech mods to keep me happy. The full list of crap is below.


Minecraft - 1.7.2

forge - 1.7.2-

Mods -  A mix of 1.7.2 and 1.7.0

Download Link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/euj0jdq95h2kipp/Creative Tech Pack.zip?dl=1

If you want to look at the product so far, you can download the pack as loaded on technic by searching for "Creative Tech Pack".

Okay, so I read the following guides, How to make a Minecraft ModpackPlatform modpack, and Administrate a Platform Modpack. I followed line by line as best as I could. and I managed to get minecraft to load up with forge running 47 mods. I shouted for joy as I was able to fire up a map offline and test out some of the items and such to make sure there was no obvious bugs that would crop up just after getting started. I pulled the Bin Config and Mods folders out of C:\Users\My name\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft and then placed them into a folder called 'Creative Tech Pack'. I then placed forge universal into the Bin folder and renamed it as 'modpack.jar'. I used winrar to compress the file into Creative Tech pack.zip. I uploaded the file into DropBox and and then copied the Down Load link into Technic, changing the string ending to dl=1. I then opened the Technic Launcher and downloaded the pack to the launcher and tried to fire it up. The game loads but the mods are not installed.


SO the question is, where am I messing this up? Any help would be awesome, and if need be I will upload screen shots and mod lists.


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Thanks, new problem though, when I try to open it it crashes out, and returns to the technic launcher. Any tips


EDIT: I also wanted to point out that I have looked on the forums and used the google device to try and find the answer, but alas, no joy.

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I wanted to try and fix it for you but that wont teach you anything... hmmm

Go to .technic/modpacks/yourmodpackname/logs

Is there a fml-client-latest.log file? Is it empty? What's at the end of that file? Did you try to google some parts of the error?


you're using a 1.7.2 Forge version with java 1.8 and getting:

	at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(ArrayList.java:901)

I'm not gonna give you the fix for that, instead read an article about it here, read it carefully because the fix is on that page


Global question: why are you making a 1.7.2 modpack? 1.7.10 is a way better solution atm. believe me, I know this stuff :D

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Global question: why are you making a 1.7.2 modpack? 1.7.10 is a way better solution atm. believe me, I know this stuff :D

My wife is in command here, I am just trying to make it work. She chose the mods, I have to do the grunt work. I will read up on the article and then pee my pants and come back for help :D Thanks for the point in the right direction, I do appreciate it. 


EDIT: Also, I deleted java and reinstalled it for the version of minecraft I'm running for this pack, Would Windows 10 have helpfully 'fixed' this for me I wonder...

EDIT 2 : Ok read the article , trying the suggested fix. Also, I have realized this may turn into an an apocalyptic log

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Ya, I did scroll down the comments, got the legacy java jar file. and I up graded everything to 1.7.10 to try and make everything work. Still crashing on start. The first time I got the small grey pop up box. Launch Log is attached so you can see a fuller picture of whats happening.

I've also messed with the launcher java settings, changing the memory setting and changing the version to 1.7.0_80 with 768Mb of ram. 

I'll be honest, its getting to the point where I am beating my head against the wall hoping it works. Would you mind doing another once over of the new set up to see if there is any obvious problems with the pack. I understand you want me to learn, but I'm hitting a real block here somewhere. The pack as is works fine in the vanilla launcher, there is some kind of issue cropping up between drop box and tecknic.


I did see this error,but I have no idea which jar file is being referenced:

[B#328]  [14:59:01] [main/ERROR] [FML]: There is a binary discrepency between the expected input class btj (btj) and the actual class. Checksum on disk is 535c663b, in patch 12c444b4. Things are probably about to go very wrong. Did you put something into the jar file?
[B#328]  [14:59:01] [main/ERROR] [FML]: The game is going to exit, because this is a critical error, and it is very improbable that the modded game will work, please obtain clean jar files.


Launch Log.txt

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  • you updated your mods and settings to 1.7.10, did you update Forge to 1.7.10? Link for the lazy
  • you don't need legacyjavafixer with Forge above version 1217, remove it
  • remove that mekanism directory from mods
  • remove that 1.7.2 directory from mods, that wrong Forge version made it and downloaded a file there, remove it also

Test all that and come back with a report.

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OK will do, why does this set up work off line, but when I up load it, you get a one way ticket to spaz town?


also, my template doesn't have a 1.7.2 directory in the mods folder. Maybe it snuck in there from the interwebs?


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You probably have the right Forge version locally and the wrong one uploaded to dropbox.

If you're using some kind of barebones/simplyforge pack for local testing you need to check the bin directory there, open the modpack.jar file with winrar/winzip/other tool, there's a changelog file inside named like forge-version.mc-version.txt. 

This is the best way to check what forge version is hidden inside a modpack.jar file just to be sure.

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Here it is updated and working:

there was a modpack zip link here, it's now gone

Download and copy it somewhere safe, I'll delete it in 10 minutes (joking, I'll delete it tomorrow)

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ah ok, sorry about that. doing it now. I just don't get why the transfer over the web is fucking this up. I can run the pack just fine off line but as soon as it gets into the intertubes it takes a big crap on me.


Uaa... I guess I would post this link here? I can post the error log directly here if need be.


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