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Issue with texture pack



Launcher Version:

Operating System: Windows 7 home edition

Java Version: Version 6 update 30

Antivirus Program: N/A

Description of Problem:

I used to be able to use the sphax pure bdcraft texture pack (the 64x) and everything worked fine, then recently, I would startup tekkit, but after loading the mojang screen, would crash! I have NEVER had that issue before, and It hasn't been fixed, I think it was due to an update. If you have any info at all, let me know please!

Error Messages:


Error Log:

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$HttpInputStream.close(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.disconnect(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at ahw.run(SourceFile:36)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]	Exception in thread "Thread-373" 

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]	java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.Thread.start(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.KeepAliveCache$1.run(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.KeepAliveCache.put(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.putInKeepAliveCache(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.finished(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.closeUnderlying(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.processRaw(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.readAheadNonBlocking(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.readAhead(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.hurry(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.closeUnderlying(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.close(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at java.io.FilterInputStream.close(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$HttpInputStream.close(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.disconnect(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at ahw.run(SourceFile:36)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]	Exception in thread "Thread-374" 

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]	java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.Thread.start(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.KeepAliveCache$1.run(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.KeepAliveCache.put(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.putInKeepAliveCache(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.finished(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.KeepAliveStream.close(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.MeteredStream.justRead(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.MeteredStream.skip(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.http.KeepAliveStream.close(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at java.io.FilterInputStream.close(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$HttpInputStream.close(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.disconnect(Unknown Source)

[19:59:42] [sEVERE]		at ahw.run(SourceFile:36)

[15:14:12] [sEVERE]	------------------------------------------

[15:14:12] [sEVERE]	Launcher is starting....

[15:14:12] [sEVERE]	Launcher Build: ''

[15:14:12] [sEVERE]	Allocated 1484.8125 Mb of RAM

[15:14:12] [sEVERE]	Java VM: '1.6.0_31-b05'

[15:14:12] [sEVERE]	OS Version: '6.1'

[15:14:12] [sEVERE]	Is 64-bit: 'false'

[15:14:13] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[15:14:13] [sEVERE]	Starting download of 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[15:14:13] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file9220951908248442543.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[15:14:13] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[15:14:13] [sEVERE]	[MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\modpack.yml' has md5 of '46a0900a4753fad02650edb182ed5670' instead of '032eedc7183acde5b75cd13f9ff2e324'

[15:14:14] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from ''.

[15:14:14] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from ''.

[15:14:23] [sEVERE]	Loading Launcher from 'techniclauncher/tekkit'

[15:14:38] [sEVERE]	Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization

[15:14:38] [sEVERE]	Completed early MinecraftForge initialization

[15:14:38] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:38 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft c:1.2.5, s:1.2.5 loading

[15:14:39] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:39 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has detected optifine OptiFine_1.2.5_HD_S_C6, enabling compatibility features

[15:14:40] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:40 [iNFO] Loading mods from \tekkit\mods

[15:14:40] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:40 [iNFO] Directory ccSensors contained no mods

[15:14:41] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:41 [iNFO] File NEI_RailCraftPlugin 1.2.2.zip contained no mods

[15:14:41] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:41 [iNFO] File NEI_RedPowerPlugin contained no mods

[15:14:41] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:41 [iNFO] Directory rei_minimap contained no mods

[15:14:41] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:41 [iNFO] Directory weaponmod contained no mods

[15:14:41] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:41 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has loaded 41 mods

[15:14:41] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:41 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.3.8.164 Initialized

[15:14:41] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:41 [WARNING] Configuration for mod_ComputerCraft.enableAPI_http found value 0 outside acceptable range 4.9E-324,1.7976931348623157E308

[15:14:43] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:43 [iNFO] [WeaponMod] Properties file read succesfully!

[15:14:51] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) Constructing.

[15:14:51] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online earthlies_database.xrl.

[15:14:51] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online interactions_environments.xrl.

[15:14:51] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader found potential online interactions_extras.xrl.

[15:14:51] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched earthlies_database.xrl.

[15:14:52] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched interactions_environments.xrl.

[15:14:52] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader fetched interactions_extras.xrl.

[15:14:52] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader Limbo is now empty.

[15:14:55] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:14:55 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader load complete, 41 mods loaded

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]	Exception in thread "Thread-19" 

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]	java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]		at sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateMemory(Native Method)

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]		at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.<init>(Unknown Source)

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]		at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(Unknown Source)

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]		at org.lwjgl.BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(BufferUtils.java:60)

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]		at paulscode.sound.libraries.ChannelLWJGLOpenAL.<init>(SourceFile:245)

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]		at paulscode.sound.libraries.LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.createChannel(SourceFile:299)

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]		at paulscode.sound.Library.init(SourceFile:245)

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]		at paulscode.sound.libraries.LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.init(SourceFile:217)

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]		at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandNewLibrary(SourceFile:1489)

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]		at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandQueue(SourceFile:2362)

[15:14:57] [sEVERE]		at paulscode.sound.CommandThread.run(SourceFile:121)

[15:15:38] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) SoundCommunicator loaded (after 46.416 s.).

[15:15:38] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) Bypassing Resource Reloader. This may cause issues.

[15:15:38] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) ResourceReloader finished (after 46.893 s.).

[15:15:38] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader signaled. Currently has 3 expansions and 0 in limbo.

[15:15:39] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) Expansion interactions_environments.xrl loaded.

[15:15:39] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) Expansion interactions_extras.xrl loaded.

[15:15:46] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) Expansion earthlies_database.xrl loaded.

[15:15:46] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) ExpansionLoader Loading and Limbo are now empty.

[15:15:46] [sEVERE]	(MAtmos : INFO) Ready.

[15:20:10] [sEVERE]	------------------------------------------

[15:20:10] [sEVERE]	Launcher is starting....

[15:20:10] [sEVERE]	Launcher Build: ''

[15:20:10] [sEVERE]	Allocated 1484.8125 Mb of RAM

[15:20:10] [sEVERE]	Java VM: '1.6.0_31-b05'

[15:20:10] [sEVERE]	OS Version: '6.1'

[15:20:10] [sEVERE]	Is 64-bit: 'false'

[15:20:10] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[15:20:11] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[15:20:11] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file8786480485008332925.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[15:20:11] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[15:20:11] [sEVERE]	[MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\modpack.yml' has md5 of '46a0900a4753fad02650edb182ed5670' instead of '032eedc7183acde5b75cd13f9ff2e324'

[15:20:11] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from ''.

[15:20:11] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from ''.

[15:20:17] [sEVERE]	Loading Launcher from 'techniclauncher/tekkit'

[15:20:33] [sEVERE]	Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization

[15:20:33] [sEVERE]	Completed early MinecraftForge initialization

[15:20:33] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:33 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft c:1.2.5, s:1.2.5 loading

[15:20:33] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:33 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has detected optifine OptiFine_1.2.5_HD_S_C6, enabling compatibility features

[15:20:34] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:34 [iNFO] Loading mods from \tekkit\mods

[15:20:35] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:35 [iNFO] Directory ccSensors contained no mods

[15:20:35] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:35 [iNFO] File NEI_RailCraftPlugin 1.2.2.zip contained no mods

[15:20:35] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:35 [iNFO] File NEI_RedPowerPlugin contained no mods

[15:20:35] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:35 [iNFO] Directory rei_minimap contained no mods

[15:20:35] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:35 [iNFO] Directory weaponmod contained no mods

[15:20:35] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:35 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has loaded 41 mods

[15:20:35] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:35 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.3.8.164 Initialized

[15:20:35] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:35 [WARNING] Configuration for mod_ComputerCraft.enableAPI_http found value 0 outside acceptable range 4.9E-324,1.7976931348623157E308

[15:20:36] [sEVERE]	2012-08-18 15:20:36 [iNFO] [WeaponMod] Properties file read succesfully!

[16:41:32] [sEVERE]	------------------------------------------

[16:41:32] [sEVERE]	Launcher is starting....

[16:41:32] [sEVERE]	Launcher Build: ''

[16:41:32] [sEVERE]	Allocated 1484.8125 Mb of RAM

[16:41:32] [sEVERE]	Java VM: '1.6.0_31-b05'

[16:41:32] [sEVERE]	OS Version: '6.1'

[16:41:32] [sEVERE]	Is 64-bit: 'false'

[16:41:32] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[16:41:33] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[16:41:33] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file6435786510530966364.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[16:41:33] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[16:41:33] [sEVERE]	[MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\tekkit\modpack.yml' has md5 of '46a0900a4753fad02650edb182ed5670' instead of '032eedc7183acde5b75cd13f9ff2e324'

[16:41:33] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from ''.

[16:41:33] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[16:44:57] [sEVERE]	Exiting the Technic Launcher

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