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Forrestry arbouretum not working with engines




I made a arboretum and tried to power it with all the diffrent types of engines but it wont do anything. the engines were all moving and the arboretum had the required materials but it did nothing.

any help getting this to work would be appreciated.

7 answers to this question

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Mine works, but you need a lot of power to get the arbouretum to start working, and some time. Some things I learned about the arbouretum that are not on any wiki is as follows

- place the arbouretum (or farm) on completely flat land with an bounding flat area of about 17x17 meters.

- Do not build anything around the arbouretum. Simply place it in the middle of your flattened area, on top of it not buried in it. If anything blocks the line of sight of forestry machines, they break and just stop working.

- Do not build a house or shack around the arbouretum. If anything blocks the line of sight of forestry machines, it break it and they just stop working.

- If anything blocks the line of sight of forestry machines, it break it and they just stop working. So don't build around it. Once the humus starts planting, you can build a border around your humus like they show in the screenshots, but do not build above the layer of the humus.

- The arbouretum needs a lot of mechanical power and time to start the process. I used a steam engine, and left it running with a half stack of coal, and once the engine warmed up the humus starting showing up. It does take some time, as I thought it wasn't working and tabbed out to read a wiki, when I came back I saw humus being placed! Once all the humus is planted you can use redstone engines (about 2 or 3 fully warmed up) to run the arbouretum continually.

My advice is to place the arbouretum on a plane of flat land at least 17x17 large, hook up a steam engine and a couple redstone engines. Fill up the arboretum with saplings and humus, put a bunch of fuel in the steam engine, start up the all the engines with redstone, and then go away and do something else. When you come back later you should see progress.

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An arboretum is fine being buried in, at least it should be, it is for me.

What you may want to try is instead of engines use BC energy (conductive pipes).

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I'm having the same issue:

Tekkit 2.1, Arboretum placed on flat land, well lit, plenty of area around it. Tried powering it with Electrical engines, steam engines, peat engines, it's just not doing anything. It was working fine in 2.0 and we upgraded the server to 2.1 today and now it's just not working. The arboretum has plenty of humus and saplings in it, but it's like there's no power going to it, even though I've tried piping bc energy in and directly attaching engines to it.

ETA: I've even moved it to another chunk in the hopes that possibly something went wrong with the particular chunk it was in, that still didn't fix it.

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I did some more testing with the arboretum last night and finally got it to working. We have the factions plugin and apparently the arboretum (that was working, stopped working when we upgraded to 2.1) needed to be moved to a new chunk, outside faction claimed land. Not sure why this would keep it from working, but I've got it working now. Forgot to update my post yesterday when I finished messing with it.

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I did some more testing with the arboretum last night and finally got it to working. We have the factions plugin and apparently the arboretum (that was working, stopped working when we upgraded to 2.1) needed to be moved to a new chunk, outside faction claimed land. Not sure why this would keep it from working, but I've got it working now. Forgot to update my post yesterday when I finished messing with it.

Oh it's real easy, the faction plugins prevents griefing right? The arboretum destroys blocks, the faction plugin sees an arboretum as a regular playing trying to break a block, and not allowing it. Some protection mods (like regios) allow you to add mods as an exception, perhaps this is also working for the factions plugin.

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