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I was trying to play a modpack with the technic launcher then this happened...



  1. Technic Launcher Error Report:
  2.     Launcher Build: 0
  4.     Selected Pack: Vanilla
  5. Stack Trace:
  6.     Exception: IndexOutOfBoundsException
  7.     Message: Index: 0, Size: 0
  8.     Trace:
  9.         java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:653)
  10.         java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:429)
  11.         org.spoutcraft.launcher.skin.NewsComponent.setupArticles(NewsComponent.java:60)
  12.         org.spoutcraft.launcher.skin.NewsComponent.loadArticles(NewsComponent.java:46)
  13.         org.spoutcraft.launcher.Launcher$2.run(Launcher.java:105)
  15. System Information:
  16.     Operating System: Mac OS X
  17.     Operating System Version: 10.10
  18.     Operating System Architecture: x86_64
  19.     Java version: 1.8.0_66 64 bit
  20.     Total Memory: 104 MB
  21.     Max Memory: 455 MB
  22.     Memory Free: 45 MB
  23.     CPU Cores: 2
Edited by Endgam3r
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